Sub Constraint Path


  • Creates an additonal path (Sub Constraint Path) at an arbitrary location.

    • Sub Constraint Paths can also be created at locations outside the default space (Unit Length) of the library.

  • The start and end points of the Sub Constraint Path are constrained to the Constraint Point when being created.



[Assembly Unit Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Assembly Unit] Tab > [Constraint Entity] Group > Path > Sub Path



Create Sub Constraint Path

This feature adds a path with Start and End Points constrainted by two Constraint Points.

  • [Constraint Point]
    Selects the Constraint Points that constrain the Start and End Points of the Sub Constraint Path.

  • [Draw Path]
    Draws the Sub Constraint Path.

    • Line by Constraint Points : Creates a Sub Constraint Path that links the selected Constraint Points in a straight line.

    • Direct Draw : Draws the Sub Constraint Path directly onto the screen.

  • [Alignment]
    Sets the calculation method for the position of the Start and End Points to update the Sub Constraint Path based on the changes in the position of the constrained Constraint Point.

  • Start Point / End Point

    • Follow Horizontal Path Axis : Sets the calculation method for the Sub Constraint Path’s Start/End Point position when assigning the Assembly Unit to the layout. For the horizontal option, sets the calculation method in the horizontal direction.

    • Follow Vertical Path Axis : Sets the calculation method for the Sub Constraint Path’s Start/End Point position when assigning the Assembly Unit to the layout. For the vertical option, sets the calculation method in the vertocal direction.



When creating a Sub Constraint Path as shown above, the start point of the Path is constrained to the Constraint Point designated as the Start Point, and the end point of the Path is constrained to the Constraint Point designated as the End Point. If separated from constraints and looked at from a positional relationship, it shows as follows:



As shown in the figure above, if we take the example where the start point of the Sub Constraint Path is constrained to the Start Point,


When On is selected, as shown in the figure below, the position of the Start/End Point is set in the Vertical/Horizontal direction based on the position of the Constraint Point placed in the layout.


When Off is selected, as shown in the figure below, the position of the Start/End Point is set in the Vertical/Horizontal direction based on the start point of the layout.



Reference Materials