Sub Constraint Path Property
Confirm or edit the property information of the Sub Constraint Path.
How to Run
Select the Sub Constraint Path on the screen
Common Tab
Confirm or edit the classification properties of a Sub Constraint Path.Name : Name
Object Type : Object Type
[Constraint Point]
Check the Constraint Point to which the Sub Constraint Path is constrained.Start Point : The name of the Constraint Point where the starting point of the Sub Constraint Path is constrained.
End Point : The name of the Constraint Point to which the end point of the Sub Constraint Path is constrained.
Sets the axes for calculating the start and end positions of the Sub Constraint Path in the process of layout assignment of Assembly Unit.Follow Horizontal Path Axis
Set the application method for the horizontal axis of the assigned path.Off : The position is calculated along the horizontal axis determined from the starting position of the assigned path.
On : Calculate the position according to the changing horizontal axis of the assigned path.
Follow Vertical Path Axis
Set the application method for the vertical axis of the assigned path.Off : Calculate the position based on the Global-Z axis.
On : Calculate position according to the changing vertical axis of the assigned path.
Confirm the geometric properties of an object.
Reference - Geometry Properties