Rigid Constraint Path


  • Creates an additonal path (Rigid Constraint Path) at an arbitrary location.

  • The length of the Rigid Constraint Path remains fixed when assigned to the layout.



[Assembly Unit Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Assembly Unit] Tab > [Constraint Entity] Group > Path > Rigid Path



Create Rigid Constraint Path

A feature that adds a path that does not change in length when palced in a layout.

  • [Constraint Path]
    Select the Constraint Path to which the user wants to constrain the Constraint Point.

    • Select the type of Constraint Path.

      • Default Constraint Path : Constrain the Constraint Point to the automatically generated Default Constraint Path when the library is created.

      • Main Constraint Path : Constrain the Constraint Point to the added Main Constraint Path after creating the library.

    • Once the Main Constraint Path is selected, click the Select button to select the Constraint Path to which the user wants to constrain the Constraint Point.

  • [Reference Location]

    • By Point : Select the Constraint Point to use as a reference point when saving the Rigid Constraint Path position.

    • By Plane : Select the Constraint Plane to use as a reference plane when saving the Rigid Constraint Path position.

  • [Coincident Point]

    • Target Point
      Select the reference point for the distance calculation when placing the Rigid Constraint Path.

      • Start Point : Place the Rigid Constraint Path by entering the distance between the Start Point and the Reference Point.

      • End Point : Place the Rigid Constraint Path by entering the distance between the End Point and the Reference Point.

    • Distance from Ref. : Enter the distance between the Reference Point and the Target Point.

  • [Length between Coincidence]
    Enter the length of the Rigid Constraint Path to create.

  • [Extra Length]

    • Coincidence (Start) : Enter the additional length in the Start direction of the Rigid Constraint Path.

    • Coincidence (End) : Enter the additional length in the End direction of the Rigid Constraint Path.

  • [Total Length]
    Outputs the total length of the Rigid Constraint Path that is a sum of entered length and the extra length.

  • [Additional Offset]

    • Distance (Path-Y) : Enter the separation distance in the Y-axis direction.

    • Distance (Path-Z) : Enter the separation distance in the Z-axis direction.



Reference Materials