Rigid Constraint Path
Creates an additonal path (Rigid Constraint Path) at an arbitrary location.
The length of the Rigid Constraint Path remains fixed when assigned to the layout.
[Assembly Unit Mode]
Ribbon Menu > [Assembly Unit] Tab > [Constraint Entity] Group > Path > Rigid Path
Create Rigid Constraint Path
A feature that adds a path that does not change in length when palced in a layout.
[Constraint Path]
Select the Constraint Path to which the user wants to constrain the Constraint Point.Select the type of Constraint Path.
Default Constraint Path : Constrain the Constraint Point to the automatically generated Default Constraint Path when the library is created.
Main Constraint Path : Constrain the Constraint Point to the added Main Constraint Path after creating the library.
Once the Main Constraint Path is selected, click the Select button to select the Constraint Path to which the user wants to constrain the Constraint Point.
[Reference Location]
By Point : Select the Constraint Point to use as a reference point when saving the Rigid Constraint Path position.
By Plane : Select the Constraint Plane to use as a reference plane when saving the Rigid Constraint Path position.
[Coincident Point]
Target Point
Select the reference point for the distance calculation when placing the Rigid Constraint Path.Start Point : Place the Rigid Constraint Path by entering the distance between the Start Point and the Reference Point.
End Point : Place the Rigid Constraint Path by entering the distance between the End Point and the Reference Point.
Distance from Ref. : Enter the distance between the Reference Point and the Target Point.
[Length between Coincidence]
Enter the length of the Rigid Constraint Path to create.[Extra Length]
Coincidence (Start) : Enter the additional length in the Start direction of the Rigid Constraint Path.
Coincidence (End) : Enter the additional length in the End direction of the Rigid Constraint Path.
[Total Length]
Outputs the total length of the Rigid Constraint Path that is a sum of entered length and the extra length.[Additional Offset]
Distance (Path-Y) : Enter the separation distance in the Y-axis direction.
Distance (Path-Z) : Enter the separation distance in the Z-axis direction.
Reference Materials