Stiffener Section Table

Stiffener Section Table


  • Set to respond to changes in height and thickness depending on the position of the longitudinal Stiffener (Flat Type).


How to Run

  • Ribbon Menu > [Model] Tab > [Component] Group > Stiffener > Section Table



Set up the Stiffener Group Batch

Set the change section settings to the Stiffener Group in a lump.

  • [Select Stiffener]
    Select the longitudinal stiffener (Flat Type) for setting the Section Table.

  • The stiffener selection conditions for setting the section table are as follows.

    • Longitudinal Stiffener Group with Completed Array

    • Flat Type

  • The Section Table set by the Section Table function is stored as the property information of the Target Stiffener. (Editable)

  • [Tapered Section Type]
    Sets how each section of change is connected.

  • Tapered : Create a Stiffener by connecting each section to a side section.

  • Compartmental : Create a Stiffener by separating each section.

  • [Edit Separate Stiffener]
    Select whether the settings for section changes are set in batch or individual stiffener groups.

    • On : Apply section table of stiffener individually.

    • Off : Apply the section table as a group of stiffeners.

  • [Section Table (Batch)]
    Apply the Section settings as a collection of selected stiffener groups. Set the position, height, and thickness of each section in the table.

    • Location Type : Select the method to specify the location of each section (Length/Ratio).

    • Location : Enter the location for each section from the point of view.

    • Height / Thickness : Enter the height and thickness of each section.



Stiffener Individual Settings

Set the change section settings to each Stiffener individually.

  • [Select Stiffener]
    Select the longitudinal stiffener (Flat Type) for setting the Section Table.

  • Stiffener selection conditions for setting the section table are as follows.

    • Longitudinal Stiffener Group with Completed Array

    • Flat Type

  • [Tapered Section Type]
    Sets how each section of change is connected.

  • Tapered : Create a Stiffener by connecting each section to a side section.

  • Compartmental : Create a Stiffener by separating each section.

  • [Edit Separate Stiffener]
    Select whether the settings for section changes are set in batch or individual stiffener groups.

    • On : Apply section table of stiffener individually.

    • Off : Apply the section table as a group of stiffeners.

  • [Section Table (Separate)]
    Apply the section settings for each individual stiffener in the selected stiffener group. Set the position, height, and thickness of each section in the table.

    • Stiffener List : Select the longitudinal stiffener to apply the section settings. Individual stiffeners can be selected within the group.

    • Location Type : Select the method to specify the location of each section (Length/Ratio).

    • Location : Enter the location for each section from the point of view.

    • Height / Thickness : Enter the height and thickness of each section.


Reference Materials

  • Link to Reference Materials

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