Tendon Property
View or edit property information for classification, geometry, analysis, quantity settings of the Tendon.
Properties and placement a Tendon Group are modified in the Tendon Editor.
How to Run
Select the Tendon on the screen.
Common Tab
Sets the classification properties of the tendon.Group Name : Displays the name of the tendon group. The name of the tendon group cannot be changed within the tendon properties.
Tendon Name : Enter the name of tendon.
Material : Set the material of the tendon.
[Tendon Type]
Select the type of tendon. Pre-Tension / Post-Tension / External are available for use.[Tendon Length]
Displays the length of the tendon.[Tendon Property]
Sets information such as the tendon area, unit weight etc. This setting is independent of the tendon shape and is saved as tendon information.
Set the duct information for the tendon.
Sets the anchorage information of the tendon. To set the anchorage, the anchorage must be defined in the ‘Anchorage’ feature.Start Point : Set the start point of the anchorage.
End Point : Set the end point of the anchorage.
Construction Tab
Reference Materials