1D Steel Member Properties
View or edit property information for classification, geometry, analysis, quantity settings of the 1D Steel Member.
How to Run
Select the 1D Steel Member on the screen.
Common Tab
View or edit the classification properties of an object.ID : Unique Number
Name : Name
Member Type : Member Type
Material : Material
Displays the geometry properties of the object.
Section Tab
[Tapered Section]
Sets whether side sections are applied.[Section]
Sets section information.Template Section (DB) : This method select a section to use from the country-specific standard section database.
Standard : Set the country code.
Section Type : Select the type of section shape.
DB : Select the database (DB) to use.
Template Section (User) : This method allows manual input of a standardized section shape.
Section Type : Select the type of section shape.
Enter the necessary section dimensions after setting the section shape.
Preview Section Shape
Preview : Shows the actual section shape based on the input dimensions.
Guide : Check the dimensions using the illustration.
Uniform Scale : This option only appears for Tapered Section members, and when set to On, the preview will display based on the dimensional differences between the start and end sections.
[Local Axis]
Set the position and direction of the section based on the geometry line of the member.Cardinal Point : Sets the position where the section will be placed with respect to the geometry line of the member.
Beta Angle : Sets the direction of the section that will be placed with respect to the geometry line of the member.
[Additional Offset]
Enter an additional separation distance from the position of the section placed according to the Cardinal Point setting.[Shape Variation]
Sets the change type of the line connecting the start and end sections.
Reference - Application of Variation Type of Member Element
Analysis Tab
Reference - Analysis Properties
Construction Tab
Reference - Construction Properties
Graphics Tab
Reference - Graphics Properties
Reference Materials