Section Shape for Plane Type
Define the shape of the User Section.
How to Run
[User Section Mode]
Ribbon Menu > [User Section] Tab > [Shape] Group > Section
Direct Draw Method
Create a User Section by drawing the shape manually.
The list of registered sections is shown to change location and to delete.[Method]
Select the method to define a section.Direct Draw : Draw the shape of the User Section manually.
[Draw Section]
Use the Sketch tool to draw the shape of the User Section.
After defining the shape of the User Section, it must be regiestered to the table using the Add button.
[Auto Extension Ratio]
Consider Inner Hole : Sets the application method when creating a region over another region.
Merge Colinear Edge : Sets whether multiple edges on the same straight line are merged into a single edge if multiple edges are created on the straight line.
By Select Method
Select an existing line to create a User Section.
The list of registered sections is shown to change location and to delete.[Method]
Select the method to define a section.By Select : Select the edge onto which to define the shape.
Consider Inner Hole : Sets the application method when creating a region over another region.
Merge Colinear Edge : Sets whether multiple edges on the same straight line are merged into a single edge if multiple edges are created on the straight line.
Remove Selected Edge : If set to On, the edges being used are deleted and the User Section is created.
Insert Template Shape
Select and insert the template to create a User Section.
The list of registered sections is shown to change location and to delete.[Method]
Select the method to define a section.Insert Template Shape : Define the User Section by defining the Template Shape.
[Template Shape]
A section can be created by entering the value into a template provided by CIM.Preview : The shape is updated according to the entered value.
Guide : The guide image can be used to enter values.
Origin Point : Select which point in the section is entered.
Insert : Select the point in the workspace to enter.
By Coordinates Method
Enter the coordinates of the vertices to create a User Section.
The list of registered sections is shown to change location and to delete.[Method]
Select the method to define a section.By Coordinates : Enter point coordinates to define the User Section that connects those coordinates.
[Vertex Coordinate Table]
Enter the coordinates of the points to define in the shape.[Coordinate]
Enter the vertex information to define the section.
Enter Fillet or Chamfer in Edge of Section.