Rebar (Array)
Create a Rebar Group by placing the drawn Rebar in 3D.
How to Run
Ribbon Menu > [Model] Tab > [Component] Group > Rebar > Array
Tapered Array Method
Arrange the rebars using the Taped Array method.
This reflects the changes in the rebar shape according to the longitudinal section change of the side section.
[Tab] Property
Sets the placement interval for the transverse rebar.
Transverse Rebar Property > Refer Arrangement
[Tab] Array
Choose how the rebars are arranged. Array setting changes based on the arrangement method.Select Tapered Array.
[Select Rebar]
Select the rebars (Draw Plane Status) to arrange.[Select Array Target Member]
Select the target member on which the selected rebars will be arranged. Do not check if rebars are arranged on a single member.[Define End Plane]
Defines the plane of the end point where the rebars will be arranged.
[Reference Path of Spacing]
Defines the arrangement path of the rebar.Geometric Line of 1D Member : Specifies the center line of the selected member as the array path.
Select Edge : Line Select a Line object and set it as the Array path.
[Longitudinal Rebar Option]
Sets the criteria for the longitudinal direction of the longitudinal rebar.
Array Along Path Method
Arrange the rebars using the Array Along Path method.
Only changes to the section above the Rebar Draw Plane are considered and longitudinal section changes are not reflected.
[Tab] Property
Sets the placement interval for the transverse rebar.
Transverse Rebar Property > Refer Arrangement
[Tab] Array
Choose how the rebars are arranged. Array setting changes based on the arrangement method.Select Array Along Path.
[Select Rebar]
Select the rebars (Draw Plane Status) to be arranged.[Select Array Target Member]
Select the target member on which the selected rebars will be arranged. Do not check if rebars are arranged on a single member.[Define End Plane]
Defines the plane of the end point where the rebars will be arranged.
[Reference Path of Spacing]
Defines the arrangement path of the rebar.Geometric Line of 1D Member : Specifies the center line of the selected member as the array path.
Select Edge : Select a Line object and set it as the Array path.
[Longitudinal Rebar Option]
Sets the criteria for the longitudinal direction of the longitudinal rebar.
Sweep Array Method
Arrange the rebars using the Sweep Array method.
Arrange the rebars by randomly specifying the path of the draw points that make up the transverse rebars.
[Tab] Property
Sets the placement interval for the transverse rebar.
Transverse Rebar Property > Refer Arrangement
[Tab] Array
Choose how the rebars are arranged. Array settings change depending on how they are arranged.Select Sweep Array.
[Select Rebar]
Select the rebars (Draw Plane Status) to be arranged.[Select Array Target Member]
Select the target member on which the selected rebars will be arranged. Do not check if rebars are arranged on a single member.[Draw Point Path]
Define the path for each Draw Point of the transverse rebar. If any of the Draw Points are not specified, then the rebars will not be arranged.
[Define End Plane]
Defines the plane of the end point where the rebars will be arranged.
[Reference Path of Spacing]
Defines the arrangement path of the rebar.Geometric Line of 1D Member : Specifies the center line of the selected member as the array path.
Select Edge : Select a Line object and set it as the Array path.
[Longitudinal Rebar Option]
Sets the criteria for the longitudinal direction of the longitudinal rebar.
Cancel Array Method
Restores the arranged rebars to the Draw Plane state before the arrangement.
[Tab] Array
Choose how the rebars are arranged. Array setting changes based on the arrangement method.Select Cancel Array.
[Select Rebar]
Select an arrayed rebar group. The User can select multiple rebar group.
The Cancel Array of a single rebar group can be restored to the Draw Plane state by selecting the rebar group in the Neutral state.