Boundary > Rigid
- 1 Overview of Functions
- 2 Details of Functions
- 2.1 Create Tab
- 2.1.1 Type
- 2.1.2 Select master vertex
- 2.1.3 Select slave vertices
- 2.1.4 Select target vertices
- 2.1.5 Select tool members
- 2.1.6 Master point
- 2.2 Property Tab
- 2.2.1 Degree of freedom
- 2.1 Create Tab
Overview of Functions
Creates rigid body connection members that is subordinate to the Master vertex for the freedom of arbitrary nodes (Slave Vertices). Compatible with boundary condition elements when exporting analysis models.
Details of Functions
Create Tab
Select how rigid body members are created.
Select master/slave vertices : Select the main and slave node(s) directly.
Project Vertices : Create rigid connection parts by the Projection of selected nodes to the selected Tool members.
Select master vertex
Displayed when the Type is Select master / slave vertices
Select the major node that constrains the freedom of any node.
Only Vertices of 1D member Geometry can be selected.
Select slave vertices
Displayed when the Type is Select master / slave vertices
Select any node (s) with degrees of freedom subordinate to the main node.
Only Vertices of 1D member Geometry can be selected.
Select target vertices
Displayed when the Types are Project vertices
Select the node (s) to perform the Projection.
Only Vertices of 1D member Geometry can be selected.
Select tool members
Displayed when the Types are Project vertices
Select a member to use as a Tool for Projection.
Only 1D member can be selected.
Master point
Displayed when the Types are Project vertices
Set Point type to define as a main node.
Property Tab
Degree of freedom
Need writing