Steel > Column
- 1 Overview of Functions
- 2 Details of Functions
- 2.1 Create Tab
- 2.1.1 Column Type
- 2.1.2 Column height
- 2.1.3 Draw
- 2.1.4 Preview level
- 2.2 Property Tab > 1st sub tab
- 2.2.1 Classification
- 2.2.2 Group
- 2.3 Property Tab > 2nd sub tab
- 2.3.1 Tapered member 옵션
- 2.3.2 Section
- 2.3.3 Local axis
- 2.3.4 Additional offset
- 2.3.5 Shape variation
- 2.4 Property Tab > 3rd sub tab
- 2.4.1 Element type
- 2.4.2 Boundary condition
- 2.1 Create Tab
Overview of Functions
Create a steel column member (1D).
Details of Functions
Create Tab
Column Type
Sets the type of steel still column member (Vertical / Normal).
Vertical Column : Creates a vertical concrete column member.
General Column : Create a concrete column member of the general type.
Column height
Displayed when it is a Vertical Column
Enter the height of the vertical type concrete column member
Provides Draw option for drawing columns.
Vertical Column
Point(Single Point) : Create a point by inputting one point.
Point(Center of points) : Create a point in the center of the inputted sub-points.
General Column
Line(2 points) : Input two points to create a line.
By Select(Edge) : Selects and creates lines on the plan drawing.
Preview level
Select the preview exposure level when the draw of the member is not complete.
Member With Solid : It shows both the centerline of the member and its solid shape for the preview shape.
Member only : It shows only the centerline of the member for the preview shape.
Property Tab > 1st sub tab
Sets the properties of a 1D column member.
Member type : Select a type of analysis for interface with midas Civil.
Work type : Select the work type.
Material : Select the material.
Select a structure group.
Property Tab > 2nd sub tab
Tapered member 옵션
Sets whether a cross-section member is created.
Set the type of section shape and enter section dimensions.
The types of sectional shapes provided are shown below.
Solid rectangle, Solid round, Octagon, Solid octagon, Track, Solid track, Half track
Local axis
Sets the placement position and orientation of the section relative to the centerline(Geometry) of the member.
Cardinal point : Set the position on the section corresponding to the centerline of the member.
The section is positioned so that the placement of the section you have set matches the position of the centerline of the member.
Beta angle : Input the rotation angle of the section.
The right-hand rule is applied to the Local x-axis of the member (start → end).
Additional offset
Additional distance from the cardinal point position to the local y, z direction is necessary to be inputted.
Offset-y : Enter the additional separation distance in the direction of the Local y.
Offset-z : Enter the additional separation distance in the direction of the Local z.
Shape variation
Displayed when Tapered member is checked ON
Define the connection geometry between the start and end section.
Curve order-y : Sets the curve order for the change of shape in the direction of the Local y-axis.
Curve order-z : Sets the curve order for the change of shape in the direction of the Local z-axis.
Property Tab > 3rd sub tab
Element type
This sets the 1D element type.
Four types are available.
Beam / Truss / Tension only / Compression only
Boundary condition
This sets the boundary condition at the beginning and the end of the Geometry.