How to use the Rigid Link feature


Example use case for the Rigid Link feature


Example use case for the Rigid Link feature

Related Function

Model > Analysis > Link >


FAQ, Tip, Example

Q. I would like to create a rigid connection member.


A. The following tasks can be performed through the Rigid Link feature.


This feature creates a rigid connection member that subordinates the degree of freedom of an arbitrary node (Dependent node, Slave Vertex) to the Master Vertex.

Let’s look at the example below.

1) Select Rigid under Model > Analysis > Link > Rigid.

2) Select Method for the following options: Vertex to Vertex / Vertex to 1D Member / 1D Member to 2D Member.

3) Provides the option to select Degree of Freedom (Rigid / User Defined).


If Vertex to Vertex is selected,

1) Select the node to set as the master vertex. (Target > Master Vertex)

2) Select the node to set as the slave vertex. (Target > Master Vertex)

3) Select Rigid (Rigid Connection) under Degrees of Freedom.


Figure. 1 When setting the Vertex to Vertex feature



Figure. 2 After using the Vertex to Vertex feature


If Vertex to 1D Member is selected,

1) Go to Target > Vertex and select the node for a rigid connection.

2) Go to Target > 1D Member and select the member for a rigid connection.

3) Select Rigid (Rigid Connection) under Degrees of Freedom.

4) Select whether the Master Point is at the Vertex location or at the member location through Master Point > Master


Figure. 3 When setting the Vertex to 1D Member feature



Figure. After using the Vertex to 1D Member feature



Figure. 5 When setting the 1D Member to 2D Member feature



Figure. 6 After using the 1D Member to 2D Member feature

