2D Member Properties


  • View or edit property information for classification, geometry, analysis, quantity settings of the 2D Member


How to Run

  • Select the 2D Member on the screen.



Graphics Tab

  • [Classification]
    View or edit the classification properties of an object.

    • ID : Unique Number

    • Name : Name

    • Member Type : Member Type

    • Material : Material

  • [Geometry]
    Displays the geometry properties of the object.


Thickness Tab

  • [Thickness]
    Enter thickness of the 2D member.

  • [Cardinal Point]
    Sets the direction in which the thickness is applied relative to the member geometry.

    • Bottom
      The thickness is applied from the member surface in the +Z axis direction.

    • Center
      Half of the entered thickness is applied both sides of the member surface.

    • Top
      The thickness is applied from the member surface in the -Z axis direction.

  • [Additional Offset]
    Enter additional offset in the z-direction from the surface where the thickness is applied based on the cardinal point settings.


Analysis Tab

Reference -


Construction Tab


Graphics Tab


Reference Materials