

Overview of Functions

Create sub-geometries (lines, faces, solids) that make up the selected geometries (lines, faces, solids).

Details of Functions

Generate Tab

Select target

Select the target objects for Explosion.

Level of explosion

Select the level of sub geometry.

  • Sub shape : Each selected target object is disassembled into the sub shape of its previous level.
    (Solid > Surface > Wire > Curve > Point)

  • Surface : Creates every Face of the selected target objects as a surface body.

  • Wire : For every Face unit of the selected target object, an edge composing the Face is created as a Wire body.

  • Curve : Creates each Edge of the selected target object as a Curve body.

  • Point : Creates every direction Vertex of the selected target object as a Point body.


If checked On, the selected original object is deleted after the process of Explosion.

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