- 1 Overview of Functions
- 2 Details of Functions
- 2.1 Create Tab
- 2.1.1 Draw
- 2.1.2 Level of split
- 2.1.3 Smoothing
- 2.1.4 Option
- 2.1 Create Tab
Overview of Functions
Creates 2D Face.
Details of Functions
Create Tab
Level of split
This set creation type of the closed plane.
Valid for closed planes that are on the same plane. For closed planes that are not on the same plane will create Faces separately.
None : Generates an entire closed area into one face.
By Isolation : Create faces for each in units of closed areas that share points or lines.
By face : Creates faces based on units of closed areas.
When creating a surface, you can adjust the surface shape by entering an Angle value.
This is the option related to creating a face.
Consider inner hole : Check On when registering the closed surface considering the inner hole.
Merge collinear edge : Check On when merging the Edge on the same straight line when registering the closed surface.
Remove selected edge : Check On when deleting the selected edge when registering closed surface.