Linear / Aligned / Arc Rebar Dimension

Linear / Aligned / Arc Rebar Dimension



  • The rebar dimensioning feature is only available in CIM view mode. Spacing is automatically expressed based on rebar model information defined in CIM.

How to Run

[CIM View Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [INFRA-DESIGN] Tab> Rebar Dimension> Linear Rebar Dimension [RLD] / Aligned Rebar Dimension [RAD] / Arc Length Rebar Dimension [RAC]



How to use Rebar dimensions

The rebar dimension function can be executed through each rebar dimension command or by activating the detailed dimension function in the INFRA-DESIGN menu tab.

Rebar Dimension (CIM View Mode)

Commentary contents

Rebar Dimension (CIM View Mode)

Commentary contents




  • [Command]
    Execute the dimensions and detailed Rebar dimension functions in the tree menu.


CAD ID Maunal_선형 철근 치수(EN).mp4


  • Linear Rebar Dimension [Shortcut key: RLD]
    : Used to create rebar dimension in which the text on the dimension is aligned horizontally or vertically.

  • [Command]

    • Object select :
      Select the rebar object for which you want to create dimensions.

    • Specify first extension line origin :
      Select the first point to create the dimension.
      If the starting point of the dimension is a structure, the distance (cover) value from the first point to the nearest rebar is displayed.

    • Specify second extension line origin :
      Pick a second point to create the dimension.

    • Specify dimension line location :
      Specify the position for creating dimensions with the mouse or enter the length value in the Command dialog.


CAD ID Maunal_정렬 철근 치수(EN).mp4


  • Aligned Rebar Dimension [Shortcut key: RAD]
    : Used to create a rebar dimension in which the text on the dimension is inclined in the direction of the object.

  • [Command]

    • Object select :
      Select the rebar object for which you want to create dimensions.

    • Specify first extension line origin :
      Select the first point to create the dimension.
      If the starting point of the dimension is a structure, the distance (cover) value from the first point to the nearest rebar is displayed.

    • Specify second extension line origin :
      Pick a second point to create the dimension.

    • Specify dimension line location :
      Specify the position for creating dimensions with the mouse or enter the length value in the Command dialog.


CAD ID Maunal_호길 철근 치수(EN).mp4


  • Arc Length Rebar Dimension [Shortcut key: RAC]
    : Used to create dimension for rebars arranged in a circle..

  • [Command]

    • Object select :
      Select the rebar objects placed on the arc.

    • Object select :
      Select a concrete object for dimension.

    • Specify dimension line location :
      Point the mouse in the direction you want the dimension to appear.

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