


Create a three-centre tunnel as an Assembly Unit using the library built into the program.


How to Run

[Base Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Base] Tab > [Library] Group > Template

    • Tunnel



General Tab

  • Template Name : Enter the name of the Template to be created.

  • Run Modify Mode after Creation : When set to On, the Assembly Unit Mode automatically runs when the user creates the template after entering all the settings so that the created template model can be modified.


Layout Tab

  • [General]

    • Number of Sections : Enter the number of superelevation slopes of the section required for tunnel modeling. The user can set up to 5 sections.

    • Number of Segments : Enter the number of segments to apply superelevation slopes. The user can set up to 15 segments.

    • Total Length : The sum of the segment lengths entered in the Segment Definition, which are automatically entered.

  • [Configuration]

    • Superelevation Data : Enter the superelevation data of the section to be created.
      The user can enter as many Sections as the user sets in the Tunnel Information.

    • Segment Definition : Enter the lenth of the segment of the superelevation and the superelevation data.
      The user can enter as many Segments as the user sets in the Tunnel Information.

  • In Segment Definition, refer to the Shop Drawings in the Guide and input the length of the segment and the superelevation values at the start and end points of the segment.

  • In Section of Segment Definition, enter the section number of the superelevation value entered in the Superelevation Data, not the superelevation value.


Model Tab


Base Section

  • [Base Section]
    In the Base Section, enter the dimensional table value and the resource value for the tunnel section.

    • Road Width : Enter the width of the left and right lanes of the road.

    • Lining Thickness : Enter the thickness of the lining.

    • Shotcrete Thickness : Enter the thickness of the shotcrete.

    • Pavement Thickness : Enter the thickness of the pavement.

    • Cement Thickness : Enter the thickness of the cement.

    • Top Angle : Enter the central angle of the 3-centre tunnel.

    • Layout Offset : Enter the distance from the road centerline to the tunnel centerline.

    • Example of Dimension Table Values.


Abut Type


  • [Abut Type]
    For Abut Type, set the type of multi-utility on the left and right sides of the tunnel, and enter the resource value for each type

    • Different Abut Type : If set to On, the left and right multi-utility types can be set respectively.

  • For the Abut Type, the user only needs to enter the resource value of the selected multi-utility type by referring to the shop drawings.

    • Abut Type resource value input order.

      1. Multi-Utility Type Selection (If the left and right multi-utility types are different, activate the Different Abut Type)

      2. Enter the multi-utility resource values for each selected type

  • Example of Abut Type value input

1. Select the Multi-utility type
→ Left : Type 1, Right : Type 2

2. Enter the resource value corresponding to the Left of Type 1

3. Enter the resource value corresponding to the Right of Type 2


Support Pattern Tab



  • [Define]
    Enter the setting values for the longitudinal spacing, transverse spacing, and number of Rock Bolts and Grouting shown in the standard support pattern table.
    Up to 10 support patterns can be set.

    • Rock Bolt : Enter the pattern name, length, number, longitudinal spacing, transverse spacing, and whether or  not grouting is present.

    • Grouting : The user can enter a value only when Grouting of the Rock Bolt is set.
      Enter the number, longitudinal spacing, transverse spacing, separation distance from the lining, angle, and diameter.

    • Radial Arrangement : When set to On, the Grouting is placed radially.

  • At least one Rock Bolt and one Grouting must be entered.


  • [Assign]
    Enter the support pattern for each segment and the length of the segment where the user wants to enter the support pattern.
    For the Support Pattern, the user can select one of the support patterns set in [Define], and up to 20 segments can be set.

  • The Length(sum) value is automatically calculated, and the final value must match the Total Length of the Layout Tab.

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