Point Library Assign


  • Assign the Point Library to any location in the Assembly Unit mode space.

  • Assign the Point Library to any location in the Base mode space.


How to Run

[Assembly Unit Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Assembly Unit] Tab > [Assign Library] Group > Point

[Base Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Base] Tab > [Library] Group > Point > Assign



Assign Point Library in the Assembly Unit mode

Assign the Point Library to the Constraint (Array) Point in the Assembly Unit mode.

  • [Select Point Library]
    Select the Point Library to assign.

  • [Constraint Spave]
    Select whether to select the Constraint Point in the existing Connected Space or in the Independent Space.

  • [Constraint Point]
    Select Constraint (Array) point to constrain.

  • [Alignment]
    Sets the calculation method for the location to place the Point Library when the library is assigned to the layout.

  • Follow Horizontal Path Axis : Sets the calculation method for the position in the horizontal direction when the library is assigned to the layout.

  • Follow Vertical Path Axis : Sets the calculation method for the position in the vertical direction when the library is assigned to the layout.

For the example above where an object, at a certain distance from the constraint point, is included in the Point Library, if set to On, the location is calculated in the Vertical direction from the Constraint Point as shown below.

If set to Off, the location is calculated in the Vertical direction from the Layout origion as shown below.

  • [Location]
    Enter the X, Y, Z coordinates of the location to assign the Point Library.

The Point Library can also be assigned to a location outside the library’s Unit Length.

  • [Local Axis]
    Enter the UCS coordinate system to change the assignment direction of the Point Library.

Reference -

Enter the three unit vectors that define the CS coordinate system to change the assignment direction of the Point Library.



The GCS coordinate system on the left has unit vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 1) for each X, Y and Z direction. To change to the UCS coordinate system on the right, set the X’, Y’, Z’ direction to unit vectors (0, -1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1). In this case, the selected point is used as a reference to be inverted and assigned to the Assembly Unit.

  • [Preview Level]
    Sets the style of the Preview that shows when assigning.


  • [Structure Matching]
    Sets whether to match the Point Library Structure on the Assembly Unit Structure.

    • Off : Does not match the Library Structure data.

    • On : Matches the Library Structure data.

  • Library Structure

    • The top-level entry of the Point Library Sturcture that matches with the Assembly Unit Structure is output.

  • Assembly Unit Structure Table

    • The table shows the Structure data defined by the Structure feature of the Assembly Unit.

    • Select the Structure data from the Table to match the Point Library Structure data.

  • [Quantity based on Library]
    Set whether to calculate quantity in Point Library units.

    • Off : Quantity is not calculated

    • On : Quantity is calculated in library units.

  • [Material Type]
    Select the material type for construction settings. When selecting a material type, you can set the Sub Material Type and Field. Library unit quantity calculation is provided only in User Defined form.

    • None : Do not set the Material Type.

    • User Defined : Set the user-defined Material Type.

  • [Sub Material Type]
    Set the Sub Material Type under the Material Type.
    When you select a Sub Material Type, the registered Field table appears.

  • [Field]
    Set the Field item.

    • Name : Set the field name of the object.

    • Item List : Set items (Field Items) according to the object’s field type.
      Template setting conditions for calculating library unit quantity

Assign Point Library in the Base mode

Assign the Point Library to the Constraint (Array) Point in the Base mode.

  • [Select Point Library]
    Select the Point Library to assign.

  • [Define Location]

    • By Point : Select one point to assign a Point Library to that location.

    • By Select : Select a Vertex to assign a Point Library to that location.

    • By Coordinates Table : Enter the coordinates of multiple assignment points to assign a Point Library to those locations.

  • Directly placing the object: Click the coordinate button and place the object directly.


  • Placing by entering coordinates : Place the object by entering the coordinates of the location.


  • [Local Axis]
    Enter the UCS coordinate system to change the assignment direction of the Point Library.

  • [Preview Level]
    Sets the style of the Preview that shows when assigning.


  • [Structure Matching]
    Sets whether to match the Point Library Structure on the Assembly Unit Structure.

    • Off : Does not match the Library Structure data.

    • On : Matches the Library Structure data.

  • [Quantity based on Library]
    Set whether to calculate quantity in Point Library units.

    • Off : Quantity is not calculated

    • On : Quantity is calculated in library units.

Reference Materials