Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Create a Stiffener Group by placing the Stiffener drawn from the plane in 3D.

How to Run

  • Ribbon Menu > [Model] Tab > [Component] Group > Stiffener > Array


Array Along Path / Tapered Array Method

Arrange the stiffener using Array Along Path or Taped Array.

image-20240730-014643.pngImage Added

[Tab] Property

  • [Arrangement]
    Sets the placement interval for lateral stiffener.


Stiffener Property > Refer Arrangement

[Tab] Array

  • [Stiffener Type]
    Select the type of stiffener to arrange.

titleDetailed Explanation (Stiffener Type)
  • Transverse Stiffener : Arrange lateral stiffener.

  • Longitudinal Stiffener : Arrange longitudinal stiffener.

  • All : Arrange all types of stiffeners.

  • [Target Type]
    Select the status of the stiffener to be arranged.

titleDetailed Explanation (Target Type)
  • Draw Stiffener : Arrange the stiffener in the Draw Plane state.

  • Array Stiffener : Select an arranged stiffener to rearrange.

  • All : Arrange stiffener in all states.

  • [Method]
    Select how the stiffeners are arranged.

titleDetailed Explanation (Method)
  • Array Along Path : Specifies the stiffener arrangement as a path. Only changes to the section above the Rebar Draw Plane are considered and longitudinal section changes are not reflected.

  • Tapered Array : Specifies the stiffener arrangement criteria for the shape of the object. Reflects the change in the shape of the stiffener according to the longitudinal section change of the side section.

  • Cancel Array : Restores the arranged stiffeners to the Draw Plane state before the arrangement.

  • [Select Stiffener Type]
    Select the type of stiffener to arrange.

titleDetailed Explanation (Stiffener Type)
  • Transverse Stiffener : Arrange lateral stiffener.

  • Longitudinal Stiffener : Arrange longitudinal stiffener.

[Select Array Target Member
  • Closed Stiffener : Arrange closed stiffener.

  • All : Arrange all types of stiffeners.

  • [Target Type]
    Select the target member on which the selected stiffener will be arranged. The Array Path of the stiffener is recreated from the center line of the Array Target Memberstatus of the stiffener to be arranged.

titleDetailed Explanation (Target Type)
  • Draw Stiffener : Arrange the stiffener in the Draw Plane state.

  • Array Stiffener : Select an arranged stiffener to rearrange.

  • All : Arrange stiffener in all states.

  • [Select Stiffener]
    Select the stiffener to arrange.

  • [Select Array Reference Main Target Member]
    Select the reference target member on which the selected stiffener will be arranged. The Reference Member is used as a cross section reference for arranging the stiffener.

titleDetailed Explanation (Array Target&Reference Member)

The roles of Array Target Members and Array Reference Members are as follows:

Array Target Member

  • Use the centerline of the target members as ArrayPath regeneration information.

  • Therefore, if
    • Array Path of the stiffener is recreated from the center line of the

    target member is overlaid or parallel, no stiffener is created.
    • Array

    Reference Member
    • Used for section reference to arrange stiffeners.

    The Array
    • Target Member

    needs to be selected even when arranging stiffeners on a single member
    • .

    • [Define End Plane]
      Defines the end point plane on which the stiffener will be arranged.


    Define Plane

    • [Reference Path of Spacing]
      Defines the arrangement path of the stiffener.

      • Geometric Line of 1D Member : Specifies the center line of the target member as the array path.

      • Select Edge : Select a Line object and set it as the Array path.

    Cancel Array Method

    Restores the arranged stiffener to the state of the drawplane before the arrangement.

    [Tab] Array

    • [Method]
      Select how the stiffeners are arranged.

      • Select Cancel Array.

    • [Select Stiffener]
      Select an arranged stiffener group. Multiple stiffener groups can be selected.


    The Cancel Array of a single stiffener group can be restored to the Drawplane state by selecting the stiffener group from the Neutral state.

    Reference Materials