Tendon Coordinate Table
- 1 Overview of Functions
- 2 Details of Functions
- 2.1 Generate Drawing > Material List Table > Tendon Coordinate Table
- 2.1.1 Row / Column
- 2.1.2 Tendon
- 2.1.3 Font
- 2.1.4 Option
- 2.1.5 Cell Margin
- 2.1 Generate Drawing > Material List Table > Tendon Coordinate Table
Overview of Functions
[Short Command: TCT]
This function converts the coordinates of Tendon modeled in CIM into coordinates for each user-specified location and creates them as a table.
Details of Functions
Generate Drawing > Material List Table > Tendon Coordinate Table
Row / Column
Station : Set Station to generate Tendon's coordinates. Calculate the location according to the Station values based on the path that Tendon is referring to.
Alternate text : Input when you want to replace the title of the table column with other texts. The default value of the title is "Station."
Unit : Set the Unit for Tendon coordinate values.
Precision : Set the precision for Tendon coordinate values.
Ascending sort : Sorts the table in ascending order of Station values.
Descending sort : Sorts the table in descending order of Station values.
Input Multi Station : Used to input multiple station values collectively. For example, it is used when Inputting Station values automatically from 1 to 100 meters in 1 meter intervals.
Start : Input the start value of Station.
End Station : Input the End Station value for Tendon coordinates.
Interval : Input the interval value by which the Station value is increased.
Column : Displays Tendon coordinates in order of Tendon names or Prestressing Numbers.
Alternate text : Input when you want to replace the title of the table column with other texts. The default value of the name is "Tendon Name."
Row/Column Switching : Switch rows and columns. For the default values of the Tendon Coordinate Table, Station is shown in the rows and Tendon-specific coordinates are shown in the columns. Select this option to create it with rows and columns switched.
Ascending sort : Sorts the table in ascending order of the values used for the Tendon Names.
Descending sort : Sorts the table in descending order of the values used for the Tendon Names.
Alternate Text (Start/End Anchor) : Input when you want to change the title of the columns when displaying the Anchorage Angle values in the table.
Angle Precision : Set the precision for the Anchorage angles.
This function selects Tendon to create a Table.
Select Object : Only create a table for the selected Tendon.
Select View : Create a Tendon Table in the selected view.
All Tendons in current view group : Create a table from all Tendons in the current workspace (based on Tap).
All Tendons : Creates tables from all Tendons in the linked CIM model.
Set Font and Text size and color.
Column : Set the text size, font, and color of the title of the table column.
Table : Sets the text size, font and color of the title of the table columns.
Set various option values in the Tendon Coordinate Table.
Right justifies the number : Display the numerical contents in the cell right-aligned.
Make a separated table in Y, Z coordination : Generate a separate table for Tendon's Y-Z coordinates.
Show Anchorage Angle : Displays the angle of the anchorage in the table.
Make a Circle in Prestressing Number : Put a circular symbol on the Prestressing Number.
Coordinate Unit : Sets the unit for tendon coordinate values.
Coordinate Precision : Set the precision for Tendon coordinate values.
View Scale : Set the scale of the table.
Cell Margin
Set the cell margin of the table.
Column : Set the cell margin of the table’s column title.
Table : Set the cell margin of the table’s contents.