

Overview of Functions

The task management table can be composed by adding and deleting tasks.

By using Create, Transform, and Remove Event for each task, you can register and manage the creation, transformation, and removal status of objects according to Date.

Details of Functions

Manage Tab

Task list

Event registered by task is displayed and can be modified / deleted.

  • Date : Indicates the date when the event will be executed.

  • Event : Indicates the type of registered event.

  • Target : Shows the number of parts assigned to the registered event.

  • Add/Modify/Delete : Add / Modify / Delete an Event to the Event List.

Event date


If you press the 'Calendar' button, a calendar is created and you can select the date when the event will run.

You can select a value between the Start / End Date of the selected task.


Event type


You can select the type of event.

  • Create : Makes the object created on the desired date.

  • Remove : Makes the object disappear on the desired date.

  • Transform : Makes the object transform (move / rotate) on that date.

Select target


All objects displayed in construction mode can be selected.

One target can be assigned to only one task.


Origin point


Only visible in the Create / Transform Event.

The object is created / modified by moving the relative position between Origin Point and Target Point.


Target point


Only visible in the Create / Transform Event.

The object is created / modified by moving the relative position between Origin Point and Target Point.


User coordinate system


Only visible in the Create / Transform Event.

The final rotation shape is determined by controlling the rotation in the X / Y / Z axis.


Manage Table

Add Task

The ability to add a single task to a table.

The added task is added to the same depth as the selected row at the time it is added.


- Select the row with WBS = 1 and click the 'Add Task' button to add one row with Task with WBS = 2.

- Select the row with WBS = 2.2 and click the 'Add Task' button to add one row with Task with WBS = 2.3.

Add Sub Task

The ability to add a single task to a table.

The added task is added to the child depth of the selected row at the time it is added.


- Select a row with WBS = 1 and click the 'Add Sub Task' button to add a row with Task 1 with WBS = 1.1.

- Select the row with WBS = 2.2 and click the 'Add Sub Task' button to add one row of Task with WBS = 2.2.1.

← / → / ↑ / ↓

This function is to change the location of the created task.

You can change the depth of the selected row with the left and right arrows, and the order within the same depth of the selected rows with the up and down arrows.

Delete Task

Delete the selected task.


This is a function to import the process table created in Excel.

Only data of the same type as CIM's Task Management Table can be imported.

Table Detail

WBS : Numeric expression of upper and lower structures between tasks. You cannot modify it arbitrarily.

Name : You can set the name of the task.

Start Date / End Date : You can set the start date and end date of the task.

Assign : Indicates whether or not the object is allowed with a task. You cannot modify it arbitrarily.

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