Import > DWG/DXF

Import > DWG/DXF

Overview of Functions

This function creates line objects by importing DWG and DXF files.

When the menu is selected, the Explorer will be launched, allowing you to import a DWG / DXF file.


Details of Functions

Import Tab

Layer list

The layers contained in the imported DWG / DXF file is displayed and can be selected for import.

Define plane

Define a work plane to place imported line objects from DWG and DXF files.

The methods are 'Select define', '3 points', 'Curve Normal' and 'Offset from plane'.

  • By Select : Select a face on the work plane to define a plane.

  • 3 Points : Pick 3 points on the work plane to define a plane consisting of 3 points.

  • Curve Normal : Select a point on the line on the work plane to define a plane in the perpendicular direction.

  • By Offset : Select an existing face on the work plane to define a plane at a position in a specific offset length.


Choose additional options when importing DWG, DXF files.

  • Import Point : If it is checked on, point objects are imported.

  • Import zero length line : If it is checked on, the zero length line is also Imported.

    Import hatch : If it is checked on, the hatch is imported.



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