Quantity Table (Quantity Calculation Summary Table)


How to fill out the Quantity Table (Quantity Calculation Summary Table)?


How to fill out the Quantity Table (Quantity Calculation Summary Table)?

Related Function

Base Mode > Application > Construction > Quantity Table > / /


Tip, Verification, Example

Q. How can I create the Quantity Table (Quantity Calculation Summary Table)?


A. The Quantity Table can be created in the construction mode in under Construction of the Application tab.


The user can generate the Quantity Calculation Summary Table in an Excel format (Output as an Excel format).


Application > Construction > Construction mode 


Figure. 1 Enter Construction Mode


Go to Construction Mode to create the Quantity Calculation Summary Table.

Construction mode > Quantity Table  


Figure. 2 Construction Mode Quantity Setting Tool


For the Quantity Calculation Summary Table, Figure 2 above shows the process in steps.

① Template : Define the Quantity Calculation form format. The construction types by material, specifications and units can be set.

② Generate : Select the target and template for the quantity calculation. (All / User Defined / By Structure)

③ Export : Export the Quantity Calculation Summary Table to link with Excel.

Construction mode > Quantity Table > Template


Figure. 3 Configure the User Environment for the Dialog Box in the Work Type - Quantity table template 


Construction mode > Quantity Table > Generate


Figure. 4 Set the Calculation Scope for the Quantity Table


Construction mode > Quantity Table > Export To Excel


Figure. 5 Export the Quantity Table (Quantity Calculation Summary Table)


Check the Quantity Calculation Summary Table


Figure 6. Check the Quantity Table (Quantity Calculation Summary Table)