DWG File
Batch generate User Sections from a DWG File created by the CIMUSERSECTION command from a CAD ID.
How to Run
[All Mode]
Ribbon Menu > [Base] Tab > [Property] Group > User Section > DWG File
Create a DWG File from a CAD ID
Create multiple User Sections in batch by setting the section name, edge selection, and base point.
In the dialog box, click "New...".
User Section Name : Enter a name for the user section.
Select Object for User Section : Select the closed edges that will compose the User Section.
Select Base point : Click Base Point in the User section.
Define a series of sections that will be added in steps 2 through 4.
Press ESC on keyboard to stop continuous input and open the dialog box.
Click the Export button to save the DWG file.
Batch Generate User Sections Using DWG Files
Import the DWG File and select the User Section Name List to create in Select Layer.
Click the OK button to batch create the User Section.
Reference Materials