Cable Stayed Bridge
Create an Assembly Unit for the Cable Stayed Bridge using the library in the program.
How to Run
[Base Mode]
Ribbon Menu > [Base] Tab > [Library] Group > Template
Cable Stayed Bridge
General Tab
[General Information]
Template Name : Enter the name of the Assembly Unit to be created.
Run Modify Mode after Creation : If turned on, the Assembly Unit Mode automatically runs when the user creates the template after entering all the settings so that the created template model can be modified.
Layout Tab
Enter the span configuration and specifications of the pylon and reinforcement girder.
[Bridge Information]
Number of Pylons : : Define the number of pylons. The template supports up to 2 pylons/3 spans.
Pylon Type : Select the type of pylon based on the number of cable faces.
If number of cable face is 1, I type and Reverse Y type are supported.
If number of cable face is 2, A type and H type are supported.
Number of Cable Faces : Select the number of cable faces. The template supports 1 and 2 cable faces.
Number of Cables : Select the number of cables. The template supports 1 or 2 cables if there is 1 cable face, and 1 cable if there are 2 cable faces.
Shows the variable information that defines the span configuration.[Configuration]
Location : Enter the span configuration of the Assembly Unit to be created.
Distance : Enter the distance of the span configuration of the Assembly Unit to be created.
Pylon Height : Enter the height of the pylon.
Depth of Deck(HG) : Enter the depth of deck.
The Depth of Decks can be changed after changing the User Section or the reinforcement girder Curve Library.
Model Tab
Girder Arrange.
Enter the segment configuration information for each section of the bridge.
[FCM Zone]
Enter the FCM segment configuration of the Assembly Unit to be created.Pylon : Represents the name of the pylon connected to the upper girder where FCM construction method will be applied.
Zone : Represents left or right position of the girder, based on the pylon, where FCM construction method will be applied.
Segment : Enter the number and length of segment where FCM construction method will be applied.
Variable Section : Select whether to apply the variable section of the segment.
[FSM Zone]
Enter the FSM segment configuration of the Assembly Unit to be created.FSM(Start)
Enter the segment split information for the start of the FSM interval.S1 : Enter the length of diaphragms where FSM construction method will be applied.
S2~SN : Enter the length of the FSM Zone excluding diaphragms.
Enter the segment split information for the end of the FSM interval.S1 : Enter the length of diaphragms where FSM construction method will be applied.
S2~SN : Enter the length of the FSM Zone excluding diaphragms.
[Other Zone]
Enter the key segment specifications of other zones of the Assembly Unit.Expansion Joint : Enter the start and end points of the expansion joint length.
Key Segment(Kn) : Enter the key segment length of side span and middle span.
Pylon Table(B) : Enter the pylon table length of PY1 and PY2.
Deck Slab
Enter the road cross section components of the bridge.
Deck Width : Enter the girder deck width.
Pave. Thickness : Enter the road pavement thickness.
Other Pave. Thickness : Enter the pavement thickness of the sidewalk or bicycle path.
Depth of Cable(CD1) : Enter the depth of cable where the cable will be fixed at the top of the pavement.
Width of Cable(CL1) : Enter the offset distance between the cable and the road center.
Number of Areas : Enter the number of road cross section components.
Area : Represents the road cross section components as a number.
Spacing : Enter the spacing between each road cross section component.
Type : Select the type of road cross section component.
Since the Curve Library is provided only for the Deck Width of 15.2m, the deck width can be changed after changing the User Section or the reinforcement girder Curve Library.
Enter the placement information of the cable (girder and pylon).
[Cable Distance at Girder]
Pylon : Represents the name of the pylon that will be used as a reference for the cable.
Zone : Represents left or right girder where the cable will be placed in based on the pylon center.
Offset from Pylon (m) : Enter the distance in the axis direction from the pylon center where the first cable will be installed.
Distance : Enter the number of cables and their intervals to attach to the girder.
[Cable Distance at Pylon]
Pylon : Represents the name of the pylon where the cable attaches.
Distance from Top : Enter the position from the top where the cable attaches to on the pylon.
Interval : Enter the number of cables and their intervals to attach to the pylon.
[Cable Arrangement at Pylon]
Spacing(CI) : Enter the length of the placement region of the cable that attaches to the pylon.
Spacing(CC) : Enter the offset distance of the highest attached cable from the pylon center in the direction perpendicular to axis.
Spacing(CS) : Enter the offset distance between the highest attached cable and the lowest attached cable in the direction perpendicular to axis.
Spacing(CD) : Enter the offset distance of the pylon center in the axis direction from the position where the cable will be fixed.
Sub Structure
Enter the details of the sub structure.
Start Support : Select the start support of the Assembly Unit to create.
End Support : Select the end support of the Assembly Unit to create.
Shoe Tab
Sub Structure
Enter the start and end bearing settings.
Different Shoe at Start/End Support : When set to On, the number and specificaitons of start and end bearings can be set differently.
Number of Shoes : Select the number of columns of the bearings offset based on the center of the reinforcement girder section. (Since bearings are symmetrically arranged based on the section center, setting it to 1 results in 2 bearings, and setting it to 2 results in 4 bearings.)
h1 : Enter the height of the standalone bearing.
h2 : Enter the total height of the bearing including the mortar.
b1 : Enter the offset distance between the bearing and the reinforcement girder center - innermost
b2 : Enter the offset distance between the bearing and the reinforcement girder center - outermost
S1 : Enter the distance between the bearing center (B1) and the girder end in the bridge direction.
S2 : Enter the distance between the bearing center (B2) and the girder end in the bridge direction.
Enter the bearing information of the bridge pylon.
Wind Shoe Location : Select the location of the wind shoe.
Select Pylon : Select the pylon where the wind shoe will be located.
Copy Data to : Select the pylons to apply the same entered properties. Select the pylon to copy the properties, and then click on the + button to copy and apply the property values.
Create Shoe : If turned On, bearing system will be created for the pylons selected under ‘Select Pylon’.
Create Wind Shoe : If turned On, wind shoes will be created for the pylons selected under ‘Select Pylon’.
Number of Layers : Select the number of bearing columns along the longitudinal pylon axis.
Number of Shoes : Select the number of bearing columns based on the center of the reinforcement girder cross section.
h1 : Enter the height of the standalone bearing.
h2 : Enter the total height of the bearing including the mortar.
b1 : Enter the offset distance between the bearing and the reinforcement girder center - innermost
b2 : Enter the offset distance between the bearing and the reinforcement girder center - outermost
s1 : Enter the distance between the bearing center (B1) and the girder end in the bridge direction.
s2 : Enter the distance between the bearing center (B2) and the girder end in the bridge direction.
[Wind Shoe]
Number of Layers : Select the number of bearing columns along the longitudinal pylon axis.
Number of Shoes : Select the number of bearing columns based on the center of the reinforcement girder cross section.
wh1 : Enter the height of the wind shoe block
wh2 : Enter the total height of the wind shoe including the mortar and block.
wh3 : Enter the height from the bottom of the girder to the center of the wind shoe.
wb1 : Enter the offset distance of the top of the wind shoe from the perpendicular center of the pylon.
ws1 : Enter the distance between the pylon wind shoes along the longitudinal pylon axis.
Library Tab
Reference Materials