Parameter Link and Shape Change(Point Library)


  • Establish a link between the coordinates of the constraint point and the parameter.

  • Change the library shape by changing the parameter values in the table.


How to Run

[Point Library Mode]

  • Select the Constraint Point on the screen

  • Ribbon Menu > [Point Library] Tab > [Parameter] Group > Parameter

[Curve Library Mode]

  • Select the Constraint Point on the screen

  • Ribbon Menu > [Curve Library] Tab > [Parameter] Group > Parameter

[Assembly Unit Mode]

  • Select the Constraint Point on the screen

  • Ribbon Menu > [Assembly Unit] Tab > [Parameter] Group > Parameter



Create a Link Between the Parameter and the Constraint Point

Establish a link between the parameter and the existing constraint point.

  • [Classification]
    View, or edit the classification properties of an object.

  • [Geometry]

    • Parameter (X) : Link the x-coordinates of the constraint point with a parameter.

    • Parameter (Y) : Link the y-coordinates of the constraint point with a parameter.

    • Parameter (Z) : Link the z-coordinates of the constraint point with a parameter.

Only parameters with the type set to Coordinate can be linked with the Constraint Point.

The parameter must be defined first to connect the parameter to a Constraint Point.

Reference -



Changing the Library Shape Using the Current Mode Parameter - Parameter Function

Use the Parameter function to change the shape of the library.

  • [Constrained Parameter]
    Set constraint parameters to be output to the Constrained Parameter table in the Edit Parameter dialog box.

    • Current Mode Parameter : The constraint parameters defined in the current mode are output to the constrained parameter table.

    • Assigned Parameter : The constraint parameters defined in the submode and assigned to the current mode are output to the constrained parameter table.

The type of target that can be selected for the assigned parameter depends on the current mode.

  • Table

    • Type : Set the type of parameter.

    • Parameter Name : Enter the name of the parameter.

    • Variable Name : Enter the name of the parameter variable.

    • Equation : If Functional is set to On, the Equation field is activated and the function using the variable name of the base parameter can be entered.

    • Length : For parameters with type set to "Length", the Length text box is enabled and the length can be entered.

    • Angle : For parameters with type set to "Angle", the Angle text box is enabled and the length can be entered.

    • Coordinate : For parameters with type set to "Coordinate", the Length text box is enabled and the coordinates can be entered.



Change the Library Shape Using the Assigned Parameter – Parameter Function

Change the library shape using the Parameter feature.

  • [Constrained Parameter]
    Set constraint parameters to be output to the Constrained Parameter table in the Edit Parameter dialog box.

    • Current Mode Parameter : The constraint parameters defined in the current mode are output to the constrained parameter table.

    • Assigned Parameter : The constraint parameters defined in the submode and assigned to the current mode are output to the constrained parameter table.

The select target button appears when the constrained parameter is set to the assigned parameter. When the object assigned to the current mode is selected, the parameters defined in the submode to create that object are output to the constrained parameter table. The targets that can be selected by Select Target for each mode are as follows.

  • Point Library Mode

    • (Constrained to Constraint (Array) Point) General Member

  • Curve Library Mode

    • (Constrained to Constraint (Array) Point) General Member

    • Path Linked Entity

  • Assembly Unit Mode

    • (Constrained to Constraint (Array) Point) General Member

    • Path Linked Entity

    • Assigned Point Library

    • Assigned Curve Library

The animation on the left is an example of using the parameter function for the point library. Shown below is the general member that uses a user-defined section that is linked to DCM. Once the lower part is clicked after turning the assigned parameter radio button On, the width and height are output to the parameter table.


  • Table

    • Type : Enter the type of parameter.

    • Parameter Name : Enter the name of the parameter.

    • Variable Name : Enter the name of the parameter variable.

    • Equation : If Functional is set to On, the Equation field is activated and the function using the variable name of the base parameter can be entered.

    • Length : For parameters with type set to "Length", the Length text box is enabled and the length can be entered.

    • Angle : For parameters with type set to "Angle", the Angle text box is enabled and the length can be entered.

    • Coordinate : For parameters with type set to "Coordinate", the Length text box is enabled and the coordinates can be entered.


Reference Materials