Division Define


  • Define a construction division property to use in the construction stage analysis.

  • Divisions are defined based on the constraint path, and can have structure date.

  • Multiple divisions can be defined.


How to Run

[Assembly Unit Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Model] Tab > [Construction] Group > Division > Define



Define Division

Define the construction division property.

[Tab] Define

  • [Division]
    Define the construction division property. A new construction division property can be defined or an existing construction division property can be selected.

  • [Classification]

    • Name : Enter or modify the name of the construction division property.

  • [Constraint Space]
    Select the constraint space in which to define the construction division property.

  • [Constraint Path]
    Select the constraint path to use as a reference for the construction division property. The user can select the constraint path within the selected constraint space, and only one path can be selected.

  • [Structure]
    Set the classification structure of the construction division property. The setting method is the same as the object’s structure setting.

  • [Division Setting]
    Enter the segment division to enter the construction division property information.

  • Number of Row : Enter the number of rows to add.

  • Add : Add a row to the Segment Division Table.

  • Delete : Delete a row in the Segment Division Table.

  • [Segment Division Table]

    • Name : Enter the name of the segment.

    • Length : Enter the length of the segment.

    • Alignment : Set the calculation method for the division point.

      • By Distance : Calculates the distance between the division point and the reference point.

      • By Ratio : Calculates the position of the divison point as a ratio of the total length.

    • Reference Point : : Specifies the reference point in the Alignment > By Distance setting.

      • Start Point / End Point / User Defined

    • Ratio : When setting in Reference Point > User Defined > Ratio, the reference point position is saved based on the user-defined ratio value.

  • [Preview]
    Check the location of the construction division in View.


Reference Materials