Layout Create-Edit


  • Create layouts using alignments.


How to Run

[Layout Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [Base] Tab > [Layout] Group > Create-Edit



Default Setting

Set starting coordinates, direction, length etc. of the layout.

  • [Select Layout]

    • New : Defines a new layout.

    • Existing Layout : Edits an existing layout.

  • [Classification]

    • ID : A number that is automatically generated.

    • Name : Sets the layout name.

  • [Location]

    • Geographic Coordinate ON : Applies the value entered in the geographic coordinate system.

    • Geographic Coordinate OFF : Applies the default value without the geographic coordinate system.

    • Origin Point (X) : Defines the X-coordinate of the layout’s origin.

    • Origin Point (Y) : Defines the Y-coordinate of the layout’s origin

    • Initial Angle : Sets the direction of the layout. (The entered angle is set to positive in the counter-clockwise direction.)

  • [Start Station]
    Sets the station of the origin.

  • [Import Layout]
    Support for importing layout files from external layout programs.

    • Select a compatible program.

      • Support SWs

        • RP(Road Projector)

        • RD(Road/Rail Designer)

        • HintCAD

        • EICAD

    • Select two files at once that are horizontal/vertical to match the file format.

  • [Grid Setting]
    Sets the station interval of the alignment that is previewed in the layout.

    • Main Scale : Sets the interval of the station.

    • Sub Division : Sets the number of divisions between the main station.

Coordinates need to be set first to apply the geographic coordinates.



Horizontal Alignment Setting

By Length Method

This method creates the layout shape by entering the type and length of a curve.

  • Type : Selects the type of curve.

    • Arc : Enter the length and the R value to create a layout with an arc shape.

    • Straight : Enter the length to create a layout with a straight shape.

    • Clothoid : Enter the length, Rs and Re values to create a layout with a clothoid shape.



By XY Method

This method creates the layout shape by entering the IP and parameter values of a curve.

  • X/Y Coord. : Defines the x- and y-coordinates of the IP Point.

  • R : Defines the curve radius

  • A1/A2 : Defines the length of the spiral tangent to the curve.



By DWG Data Method

This method creates the layout shape by importing a DWG file.

  • [Import]
    This feature imports the DWG drawing file.

  • [Reverse Point]
    Reverses the direction of the imported drawing.



Vertical Alignment Setting

By Pos. Method

This is a method of defining elevations to the layout thougout the length.

  • Type : Selects the type of curve.

    • Straight : Enter the station and elevation to create a straight profile.

    • Parabolic : Enter the station, elevation and curve length to create a parabolic profile.

    • Arc : Enter the station, elevation and arc radius to create an arc profile.



Segment Setting

Segment Setting

Set zones in the created layout.

  • Name : Sets the name of the zone.

  • Station : Sets the range of the zone.

  • Skew : Sets the skew values to use in the corresponding zone. The entered angle is set to positive in the counter-clockwise direction.

  • Label : Sets whether to display the label in Layout.

Skew is applied when the Skew option is applied to the plane of the Curve Library or the Assembly Unit.



Superelevation Setting

Superelevation Setting

Enter superelevation details to the created layout.

  • Station : Sets the station to apply superelevation.

  • Left Super Elevation : Enter the left superelevation details. The unit is a percentage.

  • Right Super Elevation : Enter the right superelevation details. The unit is a percentage.

Superelevation is applied when the Assign setting is set to Deformed in the Assembly Unit.


Reference Materials