Creates a member by drawing the geometry of a steel beam member.
Line(2 points) : Select two points to create a line.
Arc(2 points + Angle): Creates an arc using two points and a central angle.
Arc(2 points + Radius) : Creates an arc using two points and a radius.
Arc(Three points) : Creates an arc using three points.
Arc(Tangent) : Creates an arc in the direction of contact with a 1D object (Line, Arc).
Spline(Interpolation) : Input a number of points on the spline and create a curve using a separate polynomial for each section.
Spline(Control Point) : Creates a curve using a separate polynomial for each section by inputting the spline's starting point, control point, and end point.
Semi-Ellipse : Creates a semi-ellipse by inputting the center of the ellipse, the point along the major axis, and the point along the minor axis.
By Select : Creates a concrete beam member by selecting a Line on the plan drawing.
Select an option of whether a concrete beam is created as one object or several objects when several line objects are selected by ‘By Select’ function in ‘Draw'.
By Select : Create a continuous poly beam to the selected all line objects.
By Edge : Create discrete concrete beams for the selected each line object.
Preview level
Select the preview exposure level when the draw of the member is not complete.
Member With Solid : It shows both the centerline of the member and its solid shape for the preview shape.
Member only : It s hows only the centerline of the member for the preview shape.
Property Tab > 1st sub tab
Sets the properties of a 1D beam member.
Member type :Select a type of analysis for interface with midas Civil.
Work type : Select the work type.
Material : Select the material.
Select a structure group.
Property Tab > 2nd sub tab
Tapered member 옵션
Sets whether a cross-section member is created.
Set the type of section shape and enter section dimensions.
The types of sectional shapes provided are shown below.