How to Run
[CIM View Mode]
How to use Single Annotation.
Run the Multi Rebar Annotation [MUA] command or execute the Multi rebar annotation function in the annotation section of the INFRA-DESIGN menu tab.
Multi Rebar Annotation, Shortcut key : MUA | Commentary contents |
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CAD ID Maunal_그룹 철근 주석(EN).mp4 | [Command] Object select : Select the grouped line type rebars for which you want to create a group rebar annotation. Select type of multi0annotation. [Line(L)/Polyline(P)] <L> : Enter Select Line and Polyline Type. In typical cases, Line Type is applied. Specify insert point : Specify where the leader line will be created for the grouped rebar. (When drawing the baseline, specify that all rebars are included.) Select BASE Point : If you specify the location where the rebar annotation will be created, the annotation will be generated.
| [Use of the Object Tree When Not Using the Multi Rebar Annotation Function] Selecting a Rebar : When you select a rebar for which you want to create an annotation, the name of the object is tracked in the Object tree list at the bottom left.
Expanding the Object Name Subtree : When you expand the object name subtree, the Annotation item appears. You can turn this checkbox on/off to automatically display the annotation.
Group Rebar Annotations : Annotations expressed as group rebar annotations are manually indicated annotations and are not controlled in the Object tree list.