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Overview of Functions
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CIM's rebar generation process provides an environment for modeling longitudinal profiles, transverse rebars, and stirrups in arbitrary planes and then arraying them in any direction. At this time, the rebar drawing process in the rebar plane is more efficient in the 2D working environment, so thus a separate rebar draw mode is provided. Therefore, this This function explains the mode and the rebar draw function that is switched after selecting the plane to construct the rebar in the rebar draw function. |
Details of Functions
Draw Tab
Rebar type
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Select the type of rebar you want to build: Bar, Long Rebar, Stirrup. |
Transverse rebar : Define the transverse rebar.
Longitudinal rebar : Defines the longitudinal rebar (in crossbar and subordinate relationships).
Stirrup : Defines the stirrup rebar.
Independent longitudinal rebar : Defines the longitudinal reinforcement bars.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar > Rebar shape
Displayed when Rebar type is Transverse rebar
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Choose how to construct the rebar. The selection options change depending on the Rebar shape. |
Straight Bar : Creates a straight bar.
Closed Stirrup : Creates closed bars with a cross-sectional shape relative to the rebar plane.
Circle Stirrup : Creates a circular crossbar . Applicable if the cross-sectional shape is circular.
One-Bending Shape : Creates one-bar bending bar at adjacent vertex locations.
Free Shape : Creates cross bars of user-defined shapes by providing Draw function of 'Line', 'Arc', 'Spline' and 'Select line'.
Select Line : Select a line drawn in advance to create a transverse rebar.
Select Member Edge : Select member edge on the Rebar plane to create a transverse rebar.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar >Straight rebar
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Create a straight rebar. |
Offset : Creates transverse bars by selecting the edge of the section. The offset value is based on the value entered in the property window (Cover thickness> On plane).
- Select edge : Select the edge of the cross section.
- Mirror hook : Switches the hook start and end points set in the property.Direct : Create a crossbar using the Line draw (2 points draw) function.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar > Closed stirrup
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Creates closed bars with a cross-sectional shape relative to the rebar plane. |
Auto closed (On) : Automatically creates closed transverse bars for the closed section of the part.
- Select edge : Select the edge of the cross section. The mouse point on the selected edge becomes the start and end positions.Auto closed (Off) : Creates closed transverse reinforcement for closed sections created by user-selected edges.
- Select edge : Select the edge of the cross section. If the selected edges (including the extension lines) form a closed section, a closed transverse bar can be created.
- Switch start point : Switch the start / end point position arbitrarily created at the intersection point of the edge.
- Reverse direction : Applies the rebar's position in the opposite direction relative to the edge.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar > Rebar shape > Circular stirrup
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Create a circular crossbar. Applicable if the cross-sectional shape is circular. |
Select edge : Select the edge of circular section.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar > Free shape
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By creating Draw function of 'Line', 'Arc', 'Spline', and 'Snap line', you can create transverse bars of user defined shape. |
Line(2 points) : Create a line by entering two points.
Arc(2 points + Angle) : Creates an arc using two points and a center angle.
Arc(2 points + Radius) : Creates an arc using two points and a radius.
Arc(Three points) : Creates an arc using three points.
Arc(Tangent) : Creates an arc in the direction of contact with a 1D object (Line, Arc).
Spline(Interpolation) : Create a curve using a separate polynomial for each section by entering multiple points on the spline.
Spline(Control Point) : Creates a curve using a separate polynomial for each section by entering the spline's market point, control point, and endpoint.
Snap line : Creates a curve using polynomial by following the edge of the part with snap.
Sequence apply : Apply button for spline and snap line. You can extend it by selecting additional line option after clicking. ((Displayed at Spline and Snap line)
Reverse direction : Applies the rebar's position in the opposite direction relative to the edge.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar > Select line
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Select the predrawn line to create the crossbar. |
Select line : Select Line (sketch line, edge both). In the case of a series of lines, it creates a continuous rebar.
Mirror hook : Switches the hook start and end points set in the property.
Reverse direction : Applies the reinforcement's position in the reverse direction relative to the line.
Rebar type > Transverse rebar > Select member edge
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Select the member edge above the rebar plane to create the transverse rebar. |
Select edge : Select the edge of member. When you select an edge, you must set the direction of the rebar along.
Reverse direction : Applies the rebar's position in the opposite direction relative to the edge.
Rebar type > Longitudinal rebar > Rebar shape
Displayed when Rebar type is Longitudinal rebar
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Choose how to construct draw the longitudinal rebar. The selection options change depending on the Rebar shape. |
Multiple : Select one part of the modeled crossbar to place the profile of the longitudinal rebar.
2 Points Draw : Click on two points on the modeled crossbar to place the profile of the longitudinal rebar.
Single : Click on a point within the modeled transverse rebar to place the rebar profile.
Select Transverse Rebar Edge : Select the required portion of the modeled crossbar to place the profile of the longitudinal rebar. You can select multiple cross bars to create longitudinal bars at once.
Draw Rebar > Longitudinal Rebar > Multiple
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Select a part of the modeled crossbar to place the profile of the longitudinal rebar. Rebar spacing applies to the Spacing value in the Properties window. |
Use whole rebar : When activated, the profile of the longitudinal rebar is placed for the entire rebar.
Select transverse rebar : Select a part of the rebar.
Draw Rebar > Longitudinal Rebar > 2 Points Draw
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Click two points above the modeled crossbar to place the profile of the longitudinal rebar. Rebar spacing applies to the Spacing value in the Properties window. |
Select point 1 : Select the point where the profile of the longitudinal rebar begins on the rebar.
Select point 2 : Select the point where the profile of the longitudinal rebar ends on the rebar.
Draw Rebar > Longitudinal Rebar > Single
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Click on a point within the modeled crossbar to place the rebar profile. |
Select point : Select the point where the profile of the single longitudinal rebar will be placed on the rebar.
Draw Rebar > Longitudinal Rebar > Select Transverse Rebar Edge
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Select the required part of the modeled crossbar to place the profile of the longitudinal rebar. You can select multiple cross bars to create longitudinal bars at once. Rebar spacing applies to the Spacing value in the Properties window. |
Select transverse rebar : Select a part of the rebar . You can select it several times, and if you select the connected part, it will be recognized as one and create a longitudinal rebar profile.
Reverse direction : Applies the rebar's position in the opposite direction relative to the edge.
Reverse start point : Applies the start and end points of the longitudinal rebar profile in the opposite direction.
Draw Rebar > Stirrup
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Create a stirrup reinforcing bar Applicable to both cross and longitudinal rebars. |
Closed rebar (On) : Produces a closed band bar.
Closed rebar (Off) : Produces non-closed band bars.
Select point type rebar : Select a point rebar (crossbar or longitudinal rebar) that depends on the band rebar.
Switch start point : Change the start and end positions of the band reinforcement.
Align bending center : When activated, the point reinforcing bar should be centered in the bending part of the band reinforcing bar.
Draw Rebar > Independent Longitudinal Rebar
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Select how the rebar will be constructed in the rebar and the independent rebar. Create virtual draw lines instead of flat bars to create dependent bars. The selection options change depending on the Rebar shape. |
Rebar type > Independent Longitudinal Rebar > Free shape
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Draw line of 'Line', 'Arc', 'Spline', 'Snap line' to draw virtual Draw line to generate. |
Line(2 points) : Create a line by entering two points.
Arc(2 points + Angle) : Creates an arc using two points and a center angle.
Arc(2 points + Radius) : Creates an arc using two points and a radius.
Arc(Three points) : Creates an arc using three points.
Arc(Tangent) : Creates an arc in the direction of contact with a 1D object (Line, Arc).
Spline(Interpolation) : Create a curve using a separate polynomial for each section by entering multiple points on the spline.
Spline(Control Point) : Creates a curve using a separate polynomial for each section by entering the spline's market point, control point, and endpoint.
Snap line : Creates a curve using polynomial by following the edge of the part with snap.
Sequence apply : Apply button for spline and snap line. You can extend it by selecting additional line option after clicking. (Displayed at Spline and Snap line)
Reverse direction : Applies the rebar's position in the opposite direction relative to the edge.
Rebar type > Independent Longitudinal Rebar > Select line
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Create a rebar profile by selecting a predrawn pre drawn line as a virtual Draw line. |
Select line : Select Line (sketch line, edge both). In the case of following lines, draw lines are recognized as one.
Mirror hook : Applies the start and end points of the longitudinal rebar profile in the opposite direction.
Reverse direction : Applies the reinforcement's position in the reverse direction relative to the line.
Property Tab > 1st sub tab
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철근의 이름과 Class를 설정합니다Define the name and the class of a rebar. |
Auto name : If On 일 경우, Prefix와 Start number를 입력하는 창이 활성화됩니다., the window for entering the prefix and start number is activated.
Prefix : Auto name의 설정이 On일 때 활성화 되며, 자동생성되는 이름의 고정값을 설정합니다. It is activated when Auto name is On, and sets a fixed value of auto-generated name.
Start number : Auto name의 설정이 On일 때 활성화 되며, Start number로 지정된 번호부터 이름을 자동 생성합니다It is activated when the setting of Auto name is On, and the name is automatically generated from the number designated as Start number.
(ex. Prefix: T 이고 and Start number: 5 일때 , the name is automatically assigned in the order of T5, T6, T7 .....과 같은순서로 이름이 자동 부여)
Name : Auto name의 설정이 On 일때는 현재 입력하는 철근의 이름이 무엇인지 표기되며, 사용자가 편집할 수 없습니다. When Auto name is set to On, the name of the reinforcing bar currently entered is displayed and the user cannot edit it.
Auto name의 설정을 Off 하면 사용자가 원하는 이름으로 입력할 수 있습니다. (중복허용됨If you set Auto name to Off, you can enter your own name. (Duplicates allowed)
Class : 철근의 Class를 설정합니다. Class에 따라 철근을 동일한 그룹으로 쉽게 그룹핑 할 수 있습니다. Set the class of rebar. Depending on the class, you can easily group rebars into the same group.
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철근의 직경 및 재질과 같은 제원을 설정합니다. |
Code : 철근의 직경별 Bending Radius와 Hook의 길이가 설정되어 있는 Rebar Spec.을 설정합니다.
Grade : 철근의 재질을 설정합니다.
Diameter : 철근의 직경을 설정합니다. Code가 선택된 경우에만 활성화되며, Code가 None인 경우 설정할 수 없습니다.
Nominal dia. : 철근의 공칭직경을 보여줍니다. Code가 None인 경우 직접 입력 가능합니다.
Set specifications such as the diameter and material of the rebar. |
Code : Set Rebar Spec. Which set Bending Radius and Hook length by reinforcing bar diameter.
Grade : Select the grade of steel based on the selected criteria.
Diameter : Select the diameter of the rebar based on the selected criteria. It is activated only when the Code is selected. If Code is on None, setting is impossible.
Nominal dia. : Shows the nominal diameter of the rebar. If Code is None, it can be directly input.
Bending radius : Shows the bending radius that corresponds to the diameter of the rebar. Direct input is possible regardless of code.
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철근의 Hook를 설정하는 기능입니다. Set the Hook of rebar. |
Different start/end hook : On이 되면 Start / End의 Hook를 다르게 입력 가능합니다. On일 경우, Start point와 End point 탭 버튼이 활성화 됩니다. Direction : Hook의 방향을 설정합니다If activated, the Hook of the start side and the end side can be inputted differently. When activated, the Start point / End point tab are the buttons that are activated.
Direction : Sets the direction of the hook.
- Transverser Rebar : Parallel은 현재 평면과 평행한 방향에 Hook가 생성, Perpendicular는 Draw하는 평면에 연직한 방향으로 Hook이 생성됩니다Parallel creates a hook in the direction parallel to the current plane, and Perpendicular creates a hook in the direction perpendicular to the plane to draw.
- Longitudinal Rebar : Parallel은 횡방향 철근과 평행한 방향으로 Hook가 생성, Perpendicular는 횡방향 철근과 연직한 방향으로 Hook이 생성됩니다.Location : Hook이 생성되는 위치를 설정합니다.
- Normal : 선택한(그린) edge에 안으로 Hook이 생성됩니다.
- Extended : 선택한(그린) edge 바깥으로 Hook이 생성됩니다.Hook type : Hook의 type을 선택합니다. 지정한 각도에 따라 Hook의 radius, length가 자동으로 입력됩니다Parallel creates hook in the direction parallel to the transverse rebar, and Perpendicular creates a hook in the direction perpendicular to the transverse rebar.
Location : Sets the location where the hook is created.
- Normal : The hooks are created inside the selected or drawn edge.
- Extended : The hooks are created outside the selected drawn edge.Hook type : Select the type of hook. Hook's radius and length are automatically entered according to the angle you specify.
- No hook : Hook을 생성하지 않습니다Does not make hooks.
- ±180° : 180° 갈고리를 갖도록 Hook을 생성합니다Creates a hook to be a 180 ° hook.
- ±135° : 135° 갈고리를 갖도록 Hook을 생성합니다 Creates a hook to be a 135° hook.
- ±90° : 90° 갈고리를 갖도록 Hook을 생성합니다Creates a hook to be a 90° hook.
- Custom hook : 사용자가 정의한 Create hook with user defined Angle, Radius, and Length 정보로 Hook을 생성합니다information.Angle : Hook의 각도 값을 확인할 수 있습니다. (Custom hook 설정일 경우, Hook 각도 설정 가능You can check the angle value of the hook. (In the case of Custom hook setting, the hook angle can be set.)
Radius : Hook의 You can check the Bending radius 값을 확인할 수 있습니다value of the Hook. (In the case of Custom hook 설정일 경우setting, Hook의 Bending radius 설정 가능the Bending Radius of the Hook can be set.)
Length : Hook의 (Bending radius를 제외한) 길이 값을 확인할 수 있습니다. (Custom hook 설정일 경우, Hook 길이 설정 가능You can check the length value (except for the Bending Radius) of the Hook. (In the case of Custom hook setting, the length of the Hook can be set.)
Cover thickness
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부재로부터 Cover 정보를 설정합니다. |
On plane : 평면 상의 Cover 값을 입력합니다. Input the Cover value on the plane.
On plane cover align center : 활성화 시When activated, the On plane 입력 값을 철근의 중심으로부터 Cover 값으로 적용합니다input value is the Cover value deriving from the center of the rebar.
From start plane : 철근의 배열 방향으로 시점 평면으로부터 떨어진 Cover 값을 입력합니다Input the Cover value that is farther from the start plane towards the rebar direction.
From end plane : 철근의 배열 방향으로 종점 평면으로부터 떨어진 Cover 값을 입력합니다 Input the Cover value farther from the end plane towards the rebar direction.
From plane cover align center : 활성화 시When activated, the From start / end plane 입력 값을 철근의 중심으로부터 Cover 값으로 적용합니다input value is the cover value from the center of the rebar.
Info |
시∙종점으로부터 철근의 연장 길이를 입력합니다. 관련된 철근 Enter the extension length of the reinforcing bar from the start and end points. Related rebar type : Transverse rebar, Longitudinal rebar, Stirrup, Spiral rebar, User group |
Start length : 철근의 시점측의 연장 길이를 입력합니다. Enter the extension length at the start side of the rebar. If it is a (+) 값일 경우 짧아지며, value, it is short. If it is a (-) 값일 경우 길어집니다. value, it is long.
End length : 철근의 종점측의 연장 길이를 입력합니다. (+) 값일 경우 짧아지며, (-) 값일 경우 길어집니다Enter the extension length of the rebar end point. If it is a (+) value, it is short. If it is a (-) value, it is long.
Start spacing : When placing a Longitudinal Rebar 배치 시, 사용자 입력 시점으로부터 입력된 값만큼 떨어뜨리고 시작합니다. , start by dropping the entered value from the time of user input.
End spacing : When placing a Longitudinal Rebar 배치 시, 사용자 입력 종점으로부터 입력된 값만큼 떨어뜨리고 시작합니다. , start by dropping the entered value from the user input endpoint.
Start/End part
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시∙종점 측 edge의 철근의 길이를 설정합니다. |
Start length : 시점 측 edge에 대한 rebar의 길이를 입력합니다. (비활성화 시, 값을 입력할 수 없으며 선택한 edge에 맞춰 철근이 생성Enter the length of the rebar for the start side edge. (When deactivated, you cannot enter a value and the rebar will be created for the selected edge.)
End length : 종점 측 edge에 대한 rebar의 길이를 입력합니다. (비활성화 시, 값을 입력할 수 없으며 선택한 edge에 맞춰 철근이 생성Enter the length of the rebar for the end edge. (When deactivated, you cannot enter a value and the rebar will be created for the selected edge.)
Property Tab > 2nd sub tab
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철근의 겹이음을 설정합니다Sets the bars of the bars. |
Splice type : 겹이음의 종류를 선택합니다Select the type of overlap. (Lap, Coupler, Welding)
Lap length : Lap의 길이를 입력합니다Enter the length of the Lap. (Apply when selecting Lap type 선택 시 적용. Coupler, Welding은 적용되지 않습니다Welding are not applied.)
Bar arrangement : 겹이음의 배열 형태를 정합니다Determines the type of array of overlapping joints. (Apply when selecting Lap type 선택 시 적용.)
Bar length : 겹이음의 간격을 입력합니다. 입력 값대로 겹이음이 반복하여 배치됩니다Enter the spacing of the overlaps. Overlaps are placed repeatedly as input values.
Alternate length : 겹이음을 지그재그 형태로 배열합니다. 1cycle과 2cycle의 겹이음의 간격을 입력합니다Arrange the layers in zigzag form. Enter the interval between 1cycle and 2cycle.
Reverse direction : 활성화 시, 철근의 겹이음 배치 방향을 반대로 적용합니다When active, reverses the rebar's lap placement direction.
Variable rebar name
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철근 그룹 내 철근 각각의 이름을 설정합니다. Sets the name of each bar in the rebar group. |
Array group : 배열된 각각의 철근에 대한 이름을 지정합니다Specifies a name for each rebar in the array.
-1, -2, -3, ……
A, -B, -C, ……
a -b, -c, ……Splice group : 겹이음 설정 이후의 각각의 철근에 대한 이름을 지정합니다Specify a name for each rebar after setting the lap joints.