Table of Contents |
Overview of Functions
Info |
Rebar Group Setting [단축명령 Reduced Command: RG] Delete Rebar Group Setting [단축명령 Short Command: DRG] The Rebar Group Setting 기능은 Group으로된 철근중 Group을 대표하는 철근만을 선택하여 표현하는 기능입니다. |
function selects and displays only the reinforcing bars that represent groups among the rebars made of groups. |
Details of Functions
Generate Drawing > Style > Rebar Group Setting
After executing the Rebar Group Setting 명령 실행 후 위 그림과 같은 순서로 철근 그룹을 대표할 철근을 설정합니다. 이 설정은 철근 Style의 Group Rebar Type 설정보다 우선적으로 적용됩니다.
command, set the reinforcing bar to represent the reinforcing bar group in the order shown above. This setting overrides the Group Rebar Type setting in Rebar Style.
Note |
Assuming the 10th position in the group of reinforcing bars selected as the representative, if the number of rebars is less than 10 through the model update, the setting is initialized. |
Generate Drawing > Style > Delete Rebar Group Setting
대표 철근 지정 설정을 삭제합니다Delete the designation of the representative rebar.
Object : 선택한 철근 객체의 설정만을 삭제합니다Deletes only the settings of the selected steel rebar object.
View : 선택한 View에 속하는 모든 철근 객체의 대표철근 설정을 삭제합니다Deletes the default rebar settings for all steel rebar objects that belong to the selected view.
All : 현재 작업 공간상(상단 Tap기준)에 모든 철근 객체의 대표철근 설정을 삭제합니다Deletes the representative rebar settings for all steel rebar objects in the current workspace (based on the top tap).