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기능 개요


[단축명령 : RP]

철근 주석의 Rebar Preview 형상을 원하는 주석만 선택적으로 Off 하는 기능입니다. .

기능 설명

Generate Drawing > Rebar Preview On/Off

REBARPREVIEWONOFF (RP) 명령어를 통해 실행하거나 Generate Drawing 메뉴의 Rebar Preview On/Off 를 통해서 실행 할 수 있습니다.

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Rebar Preview On/Off 명령을 실행 → View 선택 → Setting Option 선택 (Default는 Toggle 상태) 순으로 실행합니다.




  • This function turns on or off the preview function of the rebar shape that can be displayed in the rebar annotation.

How to Run


[CIM View Mode]

  • Ribbon Menu > [INFRA-DESIGN] Tab> Object Show/Hide > Rebar Preview Show/Hide [RP]



How to use Show or Hide Rebar Object.

Run the Rebar Preview Show/Hide [RP] command or execute the Rebar Preview Show/Hide of Object Show/Hide function of the INFRA-DESIGN menu tab.

Rebar Preview Show/Hide, Shortcut key : RP

Commentary contents

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  • [Command]
    Execute Rebar Preview Show/Hide selected objects in the tree menu, or execute Rebar Preview Show/Hide [ROF] in the Command window.

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  • [Command]

    • Select view [All (A)] <A>:
      💡Select the annotation for which you want to change the rebar preview settings.

    • Object settings [Show (S)/Hide (H)/Toggle (T)]


철근 주석을 선택했을 때 표시되는 특성창을 통해서도 철근 미리보기 주석을 On/Off 할 수 있습니다. By Style을 선택하면 현재 주석이 위치한 View에 스타일에 따라 철근 주석을 On 또는 Off 하며 강제로 Off하고자 할 경우에는 Off를 선택합니다.


    • <T>:
      💡 If you select Show (S), Rebar shape preview will be turned on so that they can be displayed.
      If you select Hide (H), Rebar shape preview will be turned off so that they can be hidden.
      Selecting Toggle (T) will turn off Rebar shape preview if they are currently on,
      and turn them on if they are currently off.


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  • Result of hiding rebar shape preview

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  • [execution]

    • Separately, when a rebar annotation is dragged and selected, the rebar items in the Object window on the left are tracked and displayed.
      Additionally, the style of the rebar preview items can be optionally changed in the properties window on the right.