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[단축명령 : DIMA] 치수선의 위치 또는 치수보존선의 원점으로 부터의 거리를 사용자가 원하는 위치로 일괄 정렬합니다. |
기능 설명
Generate Drawing > Dimension Align
Dimension Align 명령을 실행 → 이동시키고자 하는 Dimension의 위치를 선택 (Top/Bottom) → Option을 통해 Offset값 입력 또는 Skip → 정렬하고자 하는 Dimension 선택 → Dimension을 정렬할 기준라인을 2Point로 작성 → Dimension 정렬 완료
Dimension Align 기능을 실행 후 Dimension의 Top의 위치를 정렬하고자 할 경우
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This is an Dimension align function available only in CIM View Mode. It is a function that batch-aligns dimension objects defined in CIM to the user's desired location.
How to Run
[CIM View Mode]
Ribbon Menu > [INFRA-DESIGN] Tab> Dimension Align [DIMA]
How to use Dimension Align.
Run the Dimension Align [DIMA] command or execute the Dimension Align function of the INFRA-DESIGN menu tab.
Dimension Align, Shortcut key : DIMA | Commentary contents |
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CAD ID Maunal_치수 정렬(Top)EN.mp4 | [Command] Define dimension location to be aligned [Top(T)/Bottom(B)] <T> : T This is an option to set the position of the dimension to be aligned. Top : Options for aligning text positions in dimension objects Select Dimension object to be aligned [Offset(O)] <0.000> : Select the dimensions you want to align. By using the Offset value, you can align dimensions at a certain distance from the structure's outline line. Offset Length Setting from Ref. Align Line <0.000> : When setting the Offset setting, the dimensions are aligned at an offset distance from the dimensions alignment reference line. Specify first point : Specifies the first point to become an arbitrary reference line by which dimensions can be aligned. Specify next point : Specifies a second point to become an arbitrary reference line by which dimensions can be aligned. <Dimension align completed>
CAD ID Maunal_치수 정렬(Bot)EN.mp4 | [Command] Define dimension location to be aligned [Top(T)/Bottom(B)] <T> : B This is an option to set the position of the dimension to be aligned. Bottom: Option to align dimension extension lines. Select Dimension object to be aligned [Offset(O)] <0.000> : Select the dimensions you want to sort. Specify first point : Specifies the first point to become an arbitrary reference line by which dimensions can be aligned. Specify next point : Specifies a second point to become an arbitrary reference line by which dimensions can be aligned. <Dimension align completed>