Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • 1D 부재로 해석 시 사용할 해석선을 생성합니다.


[Base Mode]


  • Create an analysis line to use for 1D member analysis.

How to Run

  • Ribbon Menu > [Model] Tab > [Analysis] Group > Analysis Line



해석선 생성

시작점과 끝점에서 다른 단면을 갖는 해석선을 생성합니다.

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  • [Select Member]

    • Property Reference : Material과 Structure 정보를 참조해올 Member 객체를 선택합니다. 하나의 Member만 선택 가능합니다.

    • Sectioning Reference : 단면 취득 시 사용할 Member 객체를 선택합니다. 여러 개의 Member를 선택할 수 있습니다.


Analysis Line의 경우 Analysis Mode에 진입하는 시점에 Reference로 부터 속성 정보를 참조하고 단면을 취득합니다. 즉, Property Reference나 Sectioning Reference로 선택한 Member를 해석선 생성 후 속성 변경, 삭제, 혹은 이동을 할 경우 해석선 생성 시점의 정보가 아닌, 해석 모드 진입 시점의 정보를 활용하여 해석용 모델을 생성합니다.

  • [Draw / Select Edge]

    • By Draw : Analysis Line 생성 방식을 선택합니다. 선을 작도하여, 해당 선의 형상으로 Analysis Line이 생성되게 합니다.

    • By Select : Analysis Line 생성 방식을 선택합니다. Edge를 선택하여, 해당 Edge와 겹치게 Analysis Line이 생성되게 합니다.

  • [Analysis Line Table]

    • Name 열 : 해당 행의 Analysis Line에 부여될 이름이 출력됩니다.

    • Reverse Direction 체크박스 열 : On으로 설정할 경우 선택하여 생성한 해석선의 시작점과 끝점의 위치가 바뀝니다.

    • Tapered Section 체크박스 열 : On으로 설정한 경우 시작점에 배치할 단면과 끝점에 배치할 단면을 다르게 설정하여 변단면 해석용 모델을 생성합니다.

    • Sectioning Offset (S) 열 : 해석선의 끝점에 배치할 단면을 취득할 지점을 설정합니다.

    • Sectioning Offset (E) 열 : 해석선의 시작점에 배치할 단면을 취득할 지점을 설정합니다.

title상세 설명 (Tapered Section)
  • 아래와 같은 부재를 대상으로 Analysis Line을 생성한 경우,

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  • Tapered Section 체크박스를 Off으로 설정한 경우 Analysis Line의 Start Plane 단면 취득점에서 취득한 단면을 해석선의 시작점에 배치하고, End Plane 단면 취득점에서 취득한 단면을 해석선의 끝점에 배치하여 해석용 모델을 생성합니다. 그리하여 아래와 같은 해석 모델이 생성됩니다.

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  • Tapered Section 체크박스를 Off로 설정한 경우 Analysis Line의 Start Plane 단면 취득점에서 취득한 단면을 해석선 전체에 배치하여 해석용 모델을 생성합니다. 예시 모델의 경우 아래에서 윗방향으로 생성된 Analysis Line이므로 아랫 단면이 시작면입니다. 그리하여 아랫면에서 취득한 단면이 해석선 전체에 배치된 것입니다. Reverse Direction 옵션을 On으로 설정할 경우 윗단면이 해석선 전체에 배치되어 해석 모델이 생성될 것입니다.

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title상세 설명 (Sectioning Offset)
  • 해석선의 시작점에서 Sectioning Offset (S)에 입력한 길이만큼 해석선의 끝점 방향으로 떨어진 지점을 시작면 취득점으로 지정합니다. 또한, 해석선의 끝점에서 Sectioning Offset (E)에 입력한 길이만큼 해석선의 시작점 방향으로 떨어진 지점을 끝면 취득점으로 지정합니다.

  • 각 취득점에서 해석선에 수직인 평면을 그리고 해당 평면과 Sectioning Ref 객체들과의 교차면을 각각 해석선의 시작점과 끝점에 배치하여 해석용 부재를 생성합니다.

  • Tapered Section 체크박스를 Off로 설정한 경우 Sectioning Offset (S) 입력란만 활성화되며, 해당 지점에서 취득한 교차면을 해석선 전체에 배치하여 해석용 부재를 생성합니다.

  • 아래와 같은 부재를 대상으로 Analysis Line을 생성하고 Sectioning Offset (S) 입력란에 2m, Sectioning Offset (E) 입력란에 1m를 입력한 경우,

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  • 우선적으로 아래 그림과 같이 입력한 Offset 길이만큼 떨어진 지점에서 Sectioning Ref 객체를 자른 교차면을 취득합니다.

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  • 그 후, 취득한 단면을 해석선의 시작점 및 끝점에 배치하여 아래의 하늘색 같은 형상을 만들고 해석용 부재로 활용합니다.

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  • [Preview]
    Analysis Mode에서 생성될 형상과 해석선을 미리보기 합니다.


Single Element

Create an Analysis Line of Single Element Type.

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< Assembly Unit Mode> <Base Mode>

[Tab] Create

  • [Analysis Line Type]
    Select the type of Analysis Line.

    • Single Element : Creates an analysis line that is one element.

    • Multiple Elements : Creates an Analysis Line that is split into multiple elements.

titleDetailed Explanation (Analysis Line Type)
  • If Single Element is selected, the user will need to set the following options

    • Sectioning Offset

    • Tapered Section

  • If Multiple Elements is selected, the user will need to set the options below.

    • Sectioning Points

    • Tapered Section Group

  • [Constraint Space]

    • Constraint Space :Select the type of Space to create the Analysis Line.

      • Connected

      • Dependent

      • Independent

    • Constraint Space List :Select the Space to create the Analysis Line.


Constraint Space is only valid in Assembly Unit. Not available in Point/Curve Library and Base Mode.

  • [Constraint Path]

    • Constaint Path : Select the type of Path that will be the Analysis Line.

      • Defalut Constraint Path

      • Main Constraint Path

    • Select Constraint Path : Select the path that will be the Analysis Line.


Constraint Path is only valid in Curve Library and Assembly Unit. It is not available in Point Library and Base Mode.

  • [Define Path]

    • Draw Method : Select the drawing method for the Analysis Line

      • By Draw : Draw the line directly.

      • By Select : Select an edge.

        • Multiple selections are possible,

        • Reverse Direction option to change the direction.


Define Path is only valid in Point Library and Base Mode. It is not available in the Curve Library and Assembly Unit.

titleDetailed Explanation (Constraint Space / Constaint Path / Define Path)
  • Each mode has a different way of creating analysis lines.

    • Point Library and Base Mode

      • Draw a line directly or select an edge to create an Analysis Line.

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    • Curve Library

      • Select Constraint Path to create an Analysis Line.

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    • Assembly Unit

      • Constraint Space, and Constraint Path to create an Analysis Line.

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  • [Select Target]
    Select the target for the Analysis Line.

    • Target Type : Select the material type of the target. You can choose between Concrete and Steel. Depending on the Target Type, the members that can be selected as Property Reference and Target are limited.

      • Property Reference: Select a member to refer to the material property of the Analysis Line.

      • Select Member : Select the target member to use when acquiring the cross section of the Analysis Line. Multiple members can be selected.

      • Select Stiffener : : Select a longitudinal stiffener to use when acquiring the cross section of the Analysis Line. Multiple stiffeners can be selected.

titleDetailed Explanation (Target Type)
  • The material type determines what you can select.

    • If Concrete is selected, only Concrete members can be selected.

    • If you select Steel, you can select Steel members and longitudinal stiffeners.

  • [Tapered Section]
    Sets whether to create the analysis line as a tapered section group.

    • Off : Creates an analysis line with a single section.

    • On : Create Analysis Line with Tapered Section.


For Tapered Section, the number of vertices at the start and end points must match.
if they do not, you must draw a segmented edge at the change location and create an Analysis Line with multiple selections.

titleDetailed Explanation (Tapered Section)

If you created an analysis line for a member as shown below.
you created an edge in advance to create a 1D analysis line in a straight direction, but there was a discontinuity in the cross section (a mismatch in the number of vertices), so you separated the edge at that location.

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  • For Tapered Section-On,
    Generates a 1D element by placing the section taken from the Start Plane section acquisition point of the analysis line at the viewpoint of the analysis line and the section taken from the End Plane section acquisition point at the endpoint of the analysis line.

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  • For Tapered Section-Off,
    Generates a 1D element by placing the section acquired at the Start Plane section acquisition point of the Analysis Line onto the Analysis Line unit section.

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  • [Sectioning Boundary]
    Select whether to limit the cross-section acquisition area of the analysis line to a finite area with input from the user.

    • Off : Acquires a cross section in an infinite plane.

    • On : Acquires a cross section within the direction and area size set by the user.

titleDetailed Explanation (Sectioning Boundary)
  • For Sectioining Boudnary-On, the following options must be set.

    • Y-Direction of Boundary

    • Boundary Area

  • [Sectioning Offset]
    Set the cross-section acquisition location. Enter the offset distance from the start of the Analysis Line Path.


For Tapered Section-On, you must enter the Offset distance from the start and end points of the Analysis Line Path, respectively.

  • [Y-Direction of Boundary]
    Sets the reference axis for setting the region. The reference axis will be in the Width direction.

  • [Boundary Area]
    Set the size of the region. The region is limited to a rectangle.

    • Width : Enter the length in the direction of the user-set Y-Direction of Boundary.

    • Height : Enter the length in the direction of the user-set Z-Direction of Boundary.

  • [Preview]
    Provides a preview of the created analysis line and the shape that will be created in Analysis Mode.

Multiple Element

Create an Analysis Line of Multiple Element Type.

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< Assembly Unit Mode> <Base Mode>

[Tab] Create

  • [Analysis Line Type]

titleDetailed Explanation (Analysis Line Type)

Select the type of Analysis Line.

  • Single Element : Creates an analysis line that is one element.

  • Multiple Elements : Creates an Analysis Line that is split into multiple elements.

  • If Single Element is selected, the user will need to set the following options

    • Sectioning Offset

    • Tapered Section

  • If Multiple Elements is selected, the user will need to set the options below.

    • Sectioning Points

    • Tapered Section Group

  • [Constraint Space]

titleDetailed Explanation (Constraint Space)
  • Select the type of Space to create the Analysis Line.

    • Connected

    • Dependent

    • Independent

  • Constraint Space List : Select a space to create an analysis line.


Constraint Space is only valid in Assembly Unit. It is not available in the Point/Curve Library and Base Mode.

[Constraint Path]

titleDetailed Explanation (Constraint Path)
  • Constaint Path: Select the type of path that will be the Analysis Line.

    • Defalut Constraint Path

    • Main Constraint Path

  • Select Constraint Path : Select the path that will be the Analysis Line.


Constraint Path is only valid in Curve Library and Assembly Unit. It is not available in the Point Library and Base Mode.

  • [Define Path]

  • Draw Method : Select the drawing method for the Analysis Line.

    • By Draw : Draw the line directly. Polyline is supported to enable continuous drawing.

    • By Select : Select an edge.

      • The Reverse Direction option allows you to change the direction

      • The Edge Auto-Tracking option automatically finds a single path by exploring the edges connected to the selected edge.


Define Path is only valid in Point Library and Base Mode. It is not available in the Curve Library and Assembly Unit.

titleDetailed Explanation (Constraint Space / Constaint Path / Define Path)
  • Each mode has a different way of creating analysis lines.

    • Point Library and Base Mode

      • Draw a line directly or select an edge to create an Analysis Line.

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    • Curve Library

      • Select Constraint Path to create an Analysis Line.

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    • Assembly Unit

      • Constraint Space, and Constraint Path to create an Analysis Line.

        Image Added
  • [Select Target]

    Select the target for the Analysis Line.

    • Target Type : Select the material type of the target. You can choose between Concrete and Steel. Depending on the Target Type, the members that can be selected as Property Reference and Target are limited.

      • Property Reference: Select a member to refer to the material property of the Analysis Line.

      • Select Member : Select the target member to use when acquiring the cross section of the Analysis Line. Multiple members can be selected.

      • Select Stiffener : : Select a longitudinal stiffener to use when acquiring the cross section of the Analysis Line. Multiple stiffeners can be selected.

titleDetailed Explanation (Target Type)
  • The material type determines what you can select.

    • If Concrete is selected, only Concrete members can be selected.

    • If you select Steel, you can select Steel members and longitudinal stiffeners.

  • [Sectioning Points]
    Sets the sectioning points for the Analysis Line.

    • Automatic : Automatically sets Sectioning Points according to the rule that projects the discontinuity points of all edges of the Sectioning Target onto the Path and filters them by Sectioning Tolerance.

    • Manual : Runs the dialog for setting sectioning points.

    • Elements : Outputs the number of sections (elements) divided by the Sectioning Points Setting.

      • On the Sectioning Points Dialog, the discontinuous position of the polyline is automatically registered as a DP (Discontinuous Point).

titleDetailed Explanation (Automatic)
  • While the Single Element method requires the use of four segmented edges to generate the Analysis Line below, Automatic in Multiple Elements automatically navigates to the location of the section discontinuity to set the Sectioning Points.

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Recommended method: Set the default Sectioning Points by Manual first, then click Automatic to set additional Edge discontinuity points.

  • [Tapered Section Group]
    Sets whether to create tapered sections (elements) of the Analysis Line as a Tapered Section Group when linking the analysis.

    • Off : Create each element as a single section.

    • On :Create each element as a Tapered Section Group.

  • [Sectioning Boundary]
    Select whether to limit the cross-section acquisition area of the analysis line to a finite area with input from the user.

    • Off : Acquires a cross section in an infinite plane.

    • On : Acquires a cross section within the direction and area size set by the user.

titleDetailed Explanation (Sectioning Boundary)
  • For Sectioining Boudnary-On, the following options must be set.

    • Y-Direction of Boundary

    • Boundary Area

  • [Y-Direction of Boundary]
    Sets the reference axis for setting the region. The reference axis will be in the Width direction.

  • [Boundary Area]
    Set the size of the region. The region is limited to a rectangle.

    • Width : Enter the length in the direction of the user-set Y-Direction of Boundary.

    • Height : Enter the length in the direction of the user-set Z-Direction of Boundary.

  • [Sectioning Tolerance]
    Enter the tolerance when Sectioning Points is set to Automatic.

  • [Preview]
    Provides a preview of the created analysis line and the shape that will be created in Analysis Mode.

Sectioning Points Setting of Multiple Element

Set Sectioning Points of Multiple Elements Type.

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[Tab] Sectioning Points

  • [Setting Type]
    Select the setting method for Sectioning Points.

    • Direct Setting : By adding a table row (entering the number), the user directly sets the location of the section extraction point.

    • Arrangement : Set the section extraction point through the array value.

titleDetailed Explanation (Setting Type)
  • If Direct Setting is selected, the user must set the options below.

    • Number of Row

  • If Arrangement is selected, the user must set the options below.

    • Arrangement

    • Value

  • [Direct Setting]

    • Number of Row : Enter the number of rows to add.

  • [Arrangement]

    • Arrangement : Select an arrangement type.

    • Value : Enter the array value.

titleDetailed Explanation (Arrangement)
  • Pattern Spacing : Receives the number and spacing and arranges as many as can be inserted at set intervals. It does not arrange the remainder with a value smaller than that interval.

  • Uniform Divisions : Receives the number of divisions to be divided, calculates values ​​that do not exceed the input interval, and arranges them at equal intervals.

  • User Defined : Receives the number and spacing in a user-defined format and arranges them. (Enter as 'count@interval' rule. (ex. 3@0.2m))

  • [Sectioning Points Table]

    • Add : Add a table row with Number of Row or Arrangement value.

    • Delete : Delete the selected row. The first row and the last row cannot be deleted.

    • Sectioning Points Table : Enter sectioning points and location storage methods in the form of a table.

      • Name : Enter the name of the segment.

      • Length : Enter the length of the Sectioning Point from the starting point.

      • Alignment : Set the calculation method of the Sectioning Point location according to the length change. By Distance method and By Ratio method are provided.

      • Reference Point : Sets the reference point for By Distance setting.

      • Ratio : Enter the Ratio to save the location of the reference point for Reference Point-User Defined settings.

Reference Materials