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Table of Contents |
Overview of Functions
Info |
[Shortcut command: UDIMST] This is the function to set the style of the dimension line used in the information mode. |
Details of Functions
Generate Drawing > Style > Dimension Style
Main dialog box
Info |
This is a management dialog for setting style. Here you can add or modify the Style List and specify it as the current dimension line style. |
Set to Current : 대화상자 좌측 Style List에서 선택한 Style을 현재 Style로 설정합니다.
New : 새로운 Style을 만들고 Style을 설정합니다.
Modify : 대화상자 좌측 Style List에서 선택한 Style을 수정합니다.
Override : 현재 Style로 지정된 Style을 수정합니다.
Compare : 서로 다른 두개의 치수 Style을 비교하는 비교 대화상자를 실행합니다.
Export : Information Mode에 있는 치수 Style을 CAD Mode로 보내는 기능입니다.
Generate Drawing > Style > Dimension Style > New/Modify/Override
Line Tap
Info |
Tap to set the style of dimension line and extension line. |
Dimension Line
Color : Sets the color of the dimension line
Line type : Sets the line style of the dimension line. (Dashed line, 2-dot dashed line, etc.)
Line Weight : Sets the line weight of the dimension line.
Extend beyond ticks : Specifies how far the dimension line arrowheads extend the dimension line beyond the extension lines when using types such as slope and construction rather than arrows.
Base line spacing : Sets the space between the dimension lines of the baseline dimension.
Suppress : Suppresses the display of dimension lines. Checking Dimension1 suppresses the first dimension line and checking Dimension2 suppresses the second dimension line.
Extension Line
Color : Sets the color of the dimension line.
Line type extension line1 : Sets the line style of extension line 1.
Line type extension line2 : Sets the line style of extension line 2.
Line Weight : Sets the line weight of the dimension line.
Suppress : Suppresses the display of dimension lines. Checking Dimension1 suppresses the first supplementary line and checking Dimension2 suppresses the second supplementary line.
Extend beyond dim lines : Specify the length of the extension lines above the dimension lines.
Offset from origin : Input the distance from the dimension line origin.
Fixed length extension line : Specify the fixed length of the auxiliary line.
Sign and arrow Tap
Info |
Sets the shape and size of the dimension line arrowheads |
Arrow tip
First : Sets the arrowhead shape for the first dimension line. Changing the first arrowhead changes the same as the second arrowhead. Changing the second arrowhead allows you to set the first and second arrowheads differently. If you select the User arrow at the bottom, you can use the block object you created as an arrow.
Second : Sets the arrowhead shape of the second dimension line.
Leader : Sets the arrowhead for the leader line.
Center marks
None : Do not display the center mark.
Mark : Displays the cross mark center mark. The length can be adjusted by inputting the length value.
Line : Displays a center mark composed of crosshairs and auxiliary lines. The length can be adjusted by inputting the length value.
Arc length symbol
Front dimension text : Arc length Displays the arc symbol in front of the dimension line text.
Above dimension text : Displays the arc symbol above the arc length dimension line text.
None : Do not display arc symbol.
Text Tap
Info |
Sets the style of the dimension line text. |
Text Shape
Text style : Selects the text style.
Text color : Sets the color of the text.
Fill color : Sets the background color for the text.
Text height : Sets the size of the text.
Fractional height scale : Sets the scale for displaying fractions. If it is 1, the same height as the text height is set. If it is 2, it is applied twice the size of text height. This setting is available when Unit Format is set to Fractional in Primary Unit.
Draw frame around the text : Draw a rectangular border around the text.
Text placement
Vertical : Sets the vertical position of the dimension line text.
Info |
Center : Centers Text in the dimension line. Top : Places Text on the dimension line. Outside : Places Text outside the dimension line. JIS : Text is laid out according to JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) notation. Bottom : Places the text below the dimension line. |
Horizontal : Sets the horizontal position of the dimension line text.
Info |
Center : Centers Text centered between extension lines. To extension line 1 : Place text on the side of the first extension line. To extension line 2 : Place text on the side of the second extension line. Beyond extension line 1 : Place Text above the first extension line. Beyond extension line2 : Place Text above the second extension line. |
View direction : Set the direction of reading the text from left to right or right to left.
Offset from dimension line : Set the distance of text from the dimension line.
Text sort
Horizontal : Aligns text with horizontal position.
Sort to dimension line : Place text in the direction of the dimension line.
ISO Standard : Aligns text along the dimension line when it is inside the extension line and horizontally when it is outside the extension line.
Arrange Tap
Info |
Sets the placement options for text and arrowheads. |
Fit Options
Text or arrow (Fit to maximum) : Moves text or arrowheads outside the witness lines based on their maximum fit.
Arrow : Move the arrowhead to the outside of the extension line and move the text.
Text : First move the text out of the extension line and then the arrowhead.
Both text and arrow : Move both text and arrowheads outside the witness lines.
Always keep text between extension lines : Text를 항상 치수보조선 사이의 공간에 배치합니다Always place text in the space between the extension lines.
Suppress arrow if arrow is not fit inside extension line : 치수 보조선 사이에 충분한 공간이 없을 경우 화살표를 억제합니다Suppresses the arrow if there is not enough space between the witness lines.
Text Placement
Place next to dimension line : Text를 치수선 옆에 배치합니다Place Text next to the dimension line.
Above dimension line, use leader : 지시선을 사용하여 치수선 위에 Text를 배치합니다Use the leader line to place the text above the dimension line.
Above dimension line, no leader : 지시선 없이 ㅇ치수선 위에 Text를 배치합니다Place the text above the dimension line without the leader line.
Dimension feature scale
Annotation : 치수를 주석으로 지정합니다Specifies the dimension as an annotation.
Dimension scale to Layout : 현재 도면 공간상의 축척을 기준으로 축척 비율을 결정합니다Determines the scale factor based on the scale in the current paper space.
Use entire scale : 문자 및 화살촉 크기 및 간격을 지정하는 모든 치수 스타일 설정에 대한 차수 축척을 설정합니다Sets the order scale for all dimension style settings that specify text and arrowhead size and spacing.
Adjust to the best
Place text manually : Text의 수평 배치 설정을 무시하고 치수선 위치 프롬프트에서 지정한 위치에 배치합니다Overrides the horizontal placement setting of the text and places it at the location specified by the Dimension Line Position prompt.
Draw dimension line between extension line : 화살촉이 측정 위치 바깥쪽에 배치된 경우에도 측정된 위치 사이에 치수선을 그립니다Draws a dimension line between the measured positions, even if the arrowheads are placed outside the measured positions.
Primary unit Tap
Info |
1차 치수 단위의 형식 및 정밀도를 설정합니다Sets the format and precision of the primary dimension unit. |
Linear dimension
Unit format : 모든 치수 유형에 대한 단위를 설정합니다Sets the units for all dimension types.
Precision : Text의 소수점 자릿수를 설정합니다Sets the number of decimal places for the text.
Fractional format : 분수의 형식을 설정합니다Sets the fraction format.
Decimal separator symbol : 소수점의 형식을 설정합니다Sets the decimal point format.
Rounding : 반올림을 설정합니다. 1.0값을 입력하면 1의 자리이하를 반올림합니다.
Prefix : 치수 Text에 입력한 머리말을 포함하여 표시합니다.
Suffix : 치수 Text에 입력한 꼬리말을 포함하여 표시합니다Set the rounding. If you input a value of 1.0, the number is rounded down to one digit.
Prefix : Displays the header inputted in the dimension text.
Suffix : Displays the footer inputted in the dimension text.
Measure scale
Scale factor :치수 측정단위의 축척의 비율을 설정합니다Sets the scale factor of the dimension measurement unit.
Apply to layout dimensions only : 배치 뷰포트에 있는 치수에 대해서만 축척을 적용합니다Apply scales only to the dimensions in the layout view port.
0 suppress
Leading : 모든 소수에 소수점 앞에 오는 0을 억제합니다Suppresses any leading zeros before the decimal point. (ex 0.15 → .15)
Trailing : 모든 소수에 소수점 뒤에 오는 0을 억제합니다Suppresses the zero after the decimal point for all decimals. (ex 11.500 → 11.5)
Sub-unit factor : 보조 단위값의 단위 축척을 설정합니다. 예를 들어 꼬리말이 m로 설정되어 있고 하위 꼬리말이 cm로 표시하도록 설정된 경우 100을 입력합니다Sets the unit scale of the sub-unit value. For example, input 100 if the footer is set to m and the child footer is set to cm.
Sub-unit suffix : 치수 값의 보조단위에 꼬리말을 추가합니다Adds a footer to the subunit of the dimension value.
Angle dimension
Unit : 각도 치수의 단위 형식을 설정합니다Sets the unit format for angular dimensions.
Accuracy : 각도 치수에 사용할 소수 자릿수를 설정합니다Sets the number of decimal places for angular dimensions.
0 Control : Leading : Leading과 Trailing 의 0 억제를 조정합니다Adjusts zero suppression of Leading and Trailing.
Alternative unit Tap
Info |
치수값의 대체 단위를 지정하고 Style을 설정합니다Specify an alternate unit for dimension values and set the Style. |
Display alternative unit : 대체 단위 표시 여부를 설정합니다Specify whether to display the alternative unit.
Alternative unit
Unit format : 대체 단위에 대한 단위를 설정합니다Set the unit for alternate units.
Accuracy : 대체 단위에 소수 자리수를 설정합니다Sets the number of decimal places in the alternate unit.
Multiplier about alternative unit : 대체 단위에 사용할 배율을 설정합니다. 예를을어 인치를 밀리미터로 변환하려면 25.4를 입력합니다Sets the multiplier to use for the alternative unit. For example, to convert inches to millimeters, Input 25.4.
Rounding distance : 대체 단위에 대한 반올림 규칙을 설정합니다Sets the rounding rule for the replacement unit.
Prefix : 대체 치수 text에 머리말을 설정합니다Sets the header for alternate dimension text.
Suffix : 대체 치수 text에 꼬리말을 설정합니다Set footing for alternate dimension text.
0 suppress
Leading : 모든 소수에 소수점 앞에 오는 0을 억제합니다Suppresses any leading zeros before the decimal point. (ex 0.15 → .15)
Trailing : 모든 소수에 소수점 뒤에 오는 0을 억제합니다Suppresses the zero after the decimal point for all decimals. (ex 11.500 → 11.5)
Sub-unit factor : 보조 단위값의 단위 축척을 설정합니다. 예를 들어 꼬리말이 m로 설정되어 있고 하위 꼬리말이 cm로 표시하도록 설정된 경우 100을 입력합니다Sets the unit scale of the sub-unit value. For example, input 100 if the footer is set to m and the child footer is set to cm.
Sub-unit suffix : 치수 값의 보조단위에 꼬리말을 추가합니다Adds a footer to the subunit of the dimension value.
Next primary value : 1차 단위 뒤에 대체 단위를 배치합니다Place the replacement unit after the primary unit.
Below primary value : 1차단위 아래에 대체 단위를 배치합니다Place the alternative unit below the primary unit.
Tolerance Tap
Info |
치수값에 공차표시를 설정합니다Sets the tolerance display for the dimension value. |
Tolerance format
Method : 공차 계산 방법을 설정합니다Sets the tolerance calculation method.
Accuracy : 소수 자리수를 설정합니다Set the number of decimal places.
Upper value : 최대 또는 상한 공차값을 설정합니다Set the maximum or upper tolerance value.
Lower Value : 최소 또는 하한 공차값을 설정합ㄴ디ㅏSets the minimum or lower tolerance value.
Scale for height : 공차 문자의 현재 높이를 설정합니다. Text높이에 대한 배율 값으로 1을 입력하면 Text의 높이와 동일하게 설정됩니다Sets the current height of the tolerance text. If you input 1 as the scale value for the text height, it is set equal to the height of the text.
Align tolerance
Align decimal separators : 소수 구분 기호에 의해 값이 스택 됩니다Stack values with decimal separators.
Align operational symbol : 연산 기호에 의해 값이 스택 됩니다Stacks values by operation symbol.
0 suppress
Leading : 소수점 앞에 오는 0을 억제합니다Suppresses zeros before the decimal point.
Trailing : 소수점 뒤에 오는 0을 억제합니다Suppresses zeros after the decimal point.
Alternative unit tolerance
Accuracy : 대체 공차 단위에 대한 소수 자리수를 설정합니다Sets the number of decimal places for alternate tolerance units.