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Table of Contents |
Overview of Functions
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Create a concrete slab member (2D). |
Details of Functions
Create Tab
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Draw a closed surface using the sketch function. |
Point(Single Point) : Create a point by inputting one point.
Point(Center of points) : Create a point in the center of the inputted sub-points.
Line(2 points) : Input two points to create a line.
Arc(2 points + Angle) : Creates an arc using two points and a center angle.
Arc(2 points + Radius) : Creates an arc using two points and a radius.
Arc(Three points) : Creates an arc using three points.
Arc(Tangent) : Creates an arc in the direction of contact with a 1D object (Line, Arc).
Spline(Interpolation) : Input a number of points on the spline and create a curve using a separate polynomial for each section.
Spline(Control Point) : Creates a curve using a separate polynomial for each section by inputting the spline's starting point, control point, and endpoint.
Semi-Ellipse : Creates a semi-ellipse by inputting the center of the ellipse, the point along the major axis, and the point along the minor axis.
Rectangle(Center point 1) : 사각형의 중심과 한 꼭지점을 입력해 사각형을 생성합니다Creates a rectangle by inputting the center and one vertex of the rectangle.
Rectangle(Center point 2) : 사각형의 중심과 2개의 모서리 중앙점을 입력해 사각형을 생성합니다Creates a rectangle by inputting the center of the rectangle and the two corner center points.
Rectangle(Corner two points) : 대각선 방향으로 2개의 점을 입력해 사각형을 생성합니다Creates a rectangle by inputting two points diagonally.
Rectangle(Corner three points) : 3개의 꼭지점을 입력해 사각형을 생성합니다Creates a rectangle by inputting three vertices.
Circle(Ceneter point) : 원의 중심과 둘레 위의 점을 입력하여 원을 생성합니다Create a circle by inputting a point on the center and perimeter of the circle.
Circle(Three points) : 원의 둘레 위의 세 점을 입력하여 원을 생성합니다Create a circle by inputting three points on the perimeter of the circle.
Ellipse(Center point) : 타원의 중심과 장축 방향의 한 점, 둘레 위의 점을 입력하여 원을 생성합니다Create a circle by inputting the center of the ellipse, a point in the major axis direction, and a point on the perimeter.
Ellipse(Corner point) : 타원의 장축 방향의 두 점과 둘레 위의 한 점을 입력하여 타원을 생성합니다Creates an ellipse by inputting two points along the major axis of the ellipse and a point on the perimeter.
Track(Center Point) : 트랙의 중심과 둘레 위의 두 점을 입력하여 트랙을 생성합니다Create a track by inputting two points on the track's center and perimeter.
Track(Corner Point) : 2개의 중심과 둘레 위의 한 점을 입력하여 트랙을 생성합니다Create a track by inputting two points on the center and perimeter.
Polygon(Circumscribed) : 외접원에 접하는 다각형을 생성합니다Creates a polygon tangent to a circumscribed circle.
Polygon(Inscribed) : 내접원에 접하는 다각형을 생성합니다Creates a polygon tangent to an inscribed circle.
By Select(Edge) : 직접 Edge를 선택합니다Select the edge directly.
By Select(Plane) : 직접 면을 선택합니다Select the face directly.
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Draw 기능으로 작도한 폐합면에 대하여 내부 중공 영역에 따른 Face 생성 옵션을 선택합니다. 체크 On 시 내부 폐합 영역이 중공되는 Face를 생성합니다Select the face creation option that accords with the inner hollow area for the closed surface made with the Draw function. When Checked On, creates a Face in which the internal closed area is hollow. |
Preview level
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Member의 Draw가 완료되지 않은 상태에서의 Preview 제공 수준을 선택합니다Select the preview exposure level when the draw of the member is not complete. |
Member With Solid : Preview 형상으로 Member의 중심선과 Solid 형상을 모두 나타냅니다This is the preview shape. It shows both the center line of the member and its solid shape.
Member only : Preview 형상으로 Member의 중심선만을 나타냅니다Shows only the center line of the member as the preview shape.
Property Tab > 1st sub tab
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2D 슬라브 부재의 속성을 설정합니다.Sets the properties of a 2D slab member |
Member type : civil과의 연동 시 부재의 해석 타입을 선택합니다Select a type of analysis for interface with midasCivil.
Work type : 공종을 선택합니다Select the work type .
Material : 재질을 선택합니다Select the material.
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객체의 Group을 설정합니다Select a structure group. |
Property Tab > 2nd sub tab
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두께를 입력합니다Enter the thickness. |
Cardinal point
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부재의 중심면Sets where to apply the thickness that accords with the members’ Center Plane (Geometry)을 기준으로 두께의 적용 위치를 설정합니다. |
Additional offset
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Input an additional separation distance from the Cardinal point 위치로부터 단면의 Local z 방향으로의 추가적인 이격 거리를 입력합니다position to the local z direction of the section. |