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기능 개요


CIM으로 부터 생성된 View에 객체나 주석과 같은 요소를 숨기거나 다시 보이게 설정하는 기능입니다.

선택객체 숨김[단축명령 : HD]

선택객체 보임[단축명령 : UNH]


Feature Summary


This is a function to hide or show elements such as objects and comments in the view created from CIM.

Hide selected object [shortcut command: HD]

Show selected object [shortcut command: UNH]

Function Explanation

Generate Drawing > Object Show/Hide > Hide / Unhide Drawing Object

It is executed through the HIDEDRAWINGOBJECT (HD) 명령어를 통해 실행하거나 Generate Drawing 메뉴의 command or through the function to hide or show selected objects in Object Show/Hide 내에 선택객체 숨김 또는 선택객체 보임 기능을 통해서 실행합니다.

선택객체 숨김 명령을 실행 → 숨길 대상 필터 선택 → 숨길 객체 선택후 Enter

선택객체 보임 명령을 실행 → 숨김을 해제할 객체 필터 선택 → View 선택 후 Enter


of the Generate Drawing menu.

Execute the Hide Selected Object command → Select the target filter to hide → Select the object to hide and Enter

Execute the Show Selected Objects command → Select the object filter to unhide → Select View and Enter

  • Hide Selected Object / Show Selected Object: You can select and hide only the objects you want to hide by applying a filter, or you can show only the objects you want to show again in units of views created by CIM.